spare wheel help



T5 Beach
Our 63 plate beach came with a jack and wheel brace but no spare wheel, is this normal?

When I phoned the dealer after we bought the van in November I was told that there was a compresor and gel instead of a wheel. Looked at the manual for its location but can't find it anywhere.

Have I been fobbed of or I'm I looking in the wrong place? Trip to France planned from edinburgh so need a spare just in case.
The van was ex demo so not sure if they were original wheels or not??
It should have a 16 inch steel spare i bet its been stolen at some point. If you spec a van with 18 inch wheels and above you wont
get a spare.
Time to phone VW dealer. It never came with a spare. When spending this kind of money you think they could give you a spare wheel! Just glad I've not had a puncture!

Definitely should have a spare wheel, I have same wheels and a steel spare.
Our sons Transporter came without a spare wheel because the dealership suffers from continual theft so they take them off and store them inside the workshop but forgot to put it back on when he collected the van.
Added to "check list " use when collect our T6 Ocean .
If you spec a van with 18 inch wheels and above you wont
get a spare.
If you don't get a spare what do you get for emergencies? That compressor/gel stuff? The reason I ask is that my Cali came without a spare (probably stolen at some time), I bought a replacement cage & went to my local tyre place but all they could find in the yard that would fit my van (large brake disks are an issue apparently) was a super wide BMW alloy which won't fit under the van so I drive around with this in the boot all the time, obviously a big waste of space! I would love to find an alternative or a smaller spare that fits in the correct place.
Peterborough van center got back to me. They said they would give me a repair kit which is no good because where do you store it? They later said they would give me £100 to sort it out myself, so accepted. Thanks for the advice.
Plenty of 16in steels on eBay. You should even make a profit with €100 to spend.
Go to the Cali meet in June, plenty of free spares their to be had for nothing :bananadance
Peterborough van center got back to me. They said they would give me a repair kit which is no good because where do you store it? They later said they would give me £100 to sort it out myself, so accepted. Thanks for the advice.
You can store it in front of the battery under the bonnet. Can be useful as it comes with an electric tyre pump. I've got both, a spare suitably secured and a Slime Kit. There weren't many Kwikfit's in Northern Scandinavia.
You can store it in front of the battery under the bonnet. Can be useful as it comes with an electric tyre pump. I've got both, a spare suitably secured and a Slime Kit. There weren't many Kwikfit's in Northern Scandinavia.
Electric tyre pump is dead handy. Been good enough to get me home on more than one occasion. Good move if it tucks away under the bonnet. Good alternative to a wheel change.
You can store it in front of the battery under the bonnet. Can be useful as it comes with an electric tyre pump. I've got both, a spare suitably secured and a Slime Kit. There weren't many Kwikfit's in Northern Scandinavia.

Good, Wouldn't trust Kwikfit to touch a wheelbarrow, let alone our Cali.
In Denmark the sparetyre is a add-on selection. If not chosen, the car comes only with slime and pump.

If you rip the tyre, more than the slimekit can cope, you are assumed to call VW mobilityservice (if you are using a authorised dealer for services of cause).

I have had my part of trouble with the slime, now considering to instal the sparetyre under the car before first long haul.
One thing they didn't tell me when I collected my Cali was whether or not it had a spare wheel! If I got down on the ground it would take a crane to get me up again so that's a job for my grandson!

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