Storage Advice



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T6 Ocean 102
We have had our T6 Ocean for about 18 months now and as the chief cook and bottle washer I am beginning to feel the need to do something about the under sink/hob storage. We currently have a couple of cheap baskets that are slightly too big for the shelves but we manage to mash them in and out as required. Has anyone found any storage boxes/baskets etc that are a good fit for these shelves?
We have had our T6 Ocean for about 18 months now and as the chief cook and bottle washer I am beginning to feel the need to do something about the under sink/hob storage. We currently have a couple of cheap baskets that are slightly too big for the shelves but we manage to mash them in and out as required. Has anyone found any storage boxes/baskets etc that are a good fit for these shelves?
It of course depends on what you want to store there, but I use a large Ikea Kuggis basket as shown below. Everything we need to regularly take out (all breakfast items) is stored in it. So we do not have to keep taking out stuff individually. Leaves room for a loaf of bread or bag of crisps, beside it. The lid is also used. We place it on top of the cutlery drawer and use it as a tray. We also use several white baskets sold by ikea (as in the 2nd photo). They also fit well in the rear cabinets above the gas tank/water tank.


It of course depends on what you want to store there, but I use a large Ikea Kuggis basket as shown below. Everything we need to regularly take out (all breakfast items) is stored in it. So we do not have to keep taking out stuff individually. Leaves room for a loaf of bread or bag of crisps, beside it. The lid is also used. We place it on top of the cutlery drawer and use it as a tray. We also use several white baskets sold by ikea (as in the 2nd photo). They also fit well in the rear cabinets above the gas tank/water tank.


Thanks. I will have a look at these. We keep different stuff on different shelves. ie tea, coffee, sugar , condiments etc in one, cooking pots in another, cleaning materials in another and of course foodstuffs.
As an alternative to boxes, we find this works well. The space at the front is occupied by a biscuit tin, and when we're off on our travels I usually fill the space with e.g. bread/crisps/fruit etc. Even with the bed out we can reach in and grab cups/plates/bowls for breakfast.
That’s fab where did you find this?
We've done a couple of vides focused on storage, with the last one being on the 50Nord boxes.

There's plenty of Ikea-esque solutions out there that do a decent enough job, but any california-specific ones tend to be rather pricy we've found.
IKEA kuggis boxes seem to be the default option, though they're not a perfect fit. Homebase do a wide range of smaller boxes which can fit alongside the IKEA offerings, including their SmartStore range. We've found combinations of the two can work reasonably well.
I think I read on here recently that kuggis are soon to be discontinued, so best be quick.
I started off with a selection of various plastic containers, at end of last year added the full draw set to the right hand side, makes things more accessible. Just order the rather expensive 50 Nord boxes for left side, will see if they organise this side of the cupboard any better. Also thinking about shelves in the wardrobe.
We use several ‘Tupperware’ type boxes from Lidl which are a good fit: four per shelf so total eight - in the cupboard under the gas hob.

The boxes have simple press-on lids, so we bought some giant rubber bands from Amazon adding two per box, to keep lids on tight.

Serendipity really, but we found that those rubber bands, apart keeping the lids on, stop sliding rattling etc.

VW California Club
