Storage of crockery etc in cupboards?


Nic Bowman

Hi, new Cali owner. Just bought it, 4 month old demo with no miles. Saves waiting! Question ref storage of odds and sods in cupboards. I was hoping someone would sell specially designed storage bins or similar to fit cupboards, to suit crockery, pans etc? Any good ideas to avoid cupboards rattling around with loose stuff? Thanks. Nic
Hi, new Cali owner. Just bought it, 4 month old demo with no miles. Saves waiting! Question ref storage of odds and sods in cupboards. I was hoping someone would sell specially designed storage bins or similar to fit cupboards, to suit crockery, pans etc? Any good ideas to avoid cupboards rattling around with loose stuff? Thanks. Nic
Ikea is your first stop.

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We tried different sorts of plastic storage trays, but found it a faff getting them in and out of the rather narrow cupboard doors. We ended up getting lots of cheap dishtowels from bargain store that we put between crockery and saucepans in the cupboard to stop them rattling. It works well and you always have a towel handy!
Tea towels and cloths pushed around stuff to stop rattles.

Also Cheap anti-slip mat from Ebay.
Line shelves with it also cut it up and put between plates etc or stuff it between things to stop it rattling.
We have these asterisk shaped felt inserts that go between pans and stop them rattling, works with plates and such too.

That said our pans do all slot together as we got the Bruner set.
Hi, new Cali owner. Just bought it, 4 month old demo with no miles. Saves waiting! Question ref storage of odds and sods in cupboards. I was hoping someone would sell specially designed storage bins or similar to fit cupboards, to suit crockery, pans etc? Any good ideas to avoid cupboards rattling around with loose stuff? Thanks. Nic
Even a sheet of paper towel works. We had a trailer tent with 2 pottery plates for years and they didn t break. I don't actually do anything now except non slip liner . Just toll your clean tea towels up to stop movement. See what happens first
Hi, new Cali owner. Just bought it, 4 month old demo with no miles. Saves waiting! Question ref storage of odds and sods in cupboards. I was hoping someone would sell specially designed storage bins or similar to fit cupboards, to suit crockery, pans etc? Any good ideas to avoid cupboards rattling around with loose stuff? Thanks. Nic

I use Corelle dinner wear, or when camping with zero facilities Bagasse disposable plates. when travelling the Corelle dinner wear is interleaved with disposable damping out all noise.

I do not use the cutlery draw for cutlery. I use a cutlery roll for cutlery and a tool roll for carrying cooking tools. Both wrap tight, can be squeezed into any handy space and do not rattle.

I have a Remoska oven and a Trangia set of nesting pans fits perfectly into that when travelling, a couple of tea towels damping out all noise.
Plastic plates, cups, tumblers and dishes, steamer pans that fit inside each other. Steel cutlery but with plastic handles. Never heard a rattle from that cupboard in 11 years!

I looked on Youtube at a guy from Japan I think called Chili. He is incredibly tidy, unlike me, but it gave me a good grounding of what to use.

He has fitted his van out with Ikea stuff and gives a list of what he used.

I took my van to Ikea.


Took them back to the van and played while I had a cup of tea, and then took back what I thought I wouldn't use. You also have a year to take back unused stuff as long as you have the reciept, so did a bit of that too.

I have used mainly skubb. I find them solid enough to contain things, but have a bit of flexability to shuv in the cupboard.

Plates sit flat in the bottom of the larger square ones with bowls on top and mugs around the edge of the bowls.
I bough Brunner plates and bowls and glasses at the NEC, they all have a non slip rubber grommet on the bottom..... no rattling.

Then in the back I use Skubb again

six of these fit under the shelf in the back

I hope this helps
I use Corelle dinner wear, or when camping with zero facilities Bagasse disposable plates. when travelling the Corelle dinner wear is interleaved with disposable damping out all noise.

I do not use the cutlery draw for cutlery. I use a cutlery roll for cutlery and a tool roll for carrying cooking tools. Both wrap tight, can be squeezed into any handy space and do not rattle.

I have a Remoska oven and a Trangia set of nesting pans fits perfectly into that when travelling, a couple of tea towels damping out all noise.
+1 for Corelle, doesn’t scratch so looks great for years. Not cheap though.
We also use a tool roll for cutlery. Just make sure you get a fabric one (cotton or similar), the leather ones may last longer for sharp knives but they can absorb water. Apparently “leather absorbs and releases moisture and creates a damp micro climate”
+1 for Corelle, doesn’t scratch so looks great for years. Not cheap though.
We also use a tool roll for cutlery. Just make sure you get a fabric one (cotton or similar), the leather ones may last longer for sharp knives but they can absorb water. Apparently “leather absorbs and releases moisture and creates a damp micro climate”

I have a cheap and cheerful one from regatta, roll + 4 of everything and for larger items, scissors, bottle openers, spatula's etc I have a canvas one from Screwfix. Excellent. Had it for 6 years and can find everything I need in about 10 seconds flat :)
Hi Nic welcome. :welcome

Have a search on here for “calicap drawers” for an excellent way to organise your storage in the kitchen cupboards.

Like others have mentioned, we too have removed the cutlery ‘tray’ which give more flexibility with the drawer itself. We have a Vango cutlery roll, and silicon spatulas etc. The aero press and the gubbins as well as scissors/bottle openers, knives etc all fit in there without rattles and you can see everything.

We use a collapsible washing up bowl on the bottom right hand side which holds our tea/coffee, mugs so that at night I can get it out and pop it up on the side (like a tray) but doubles as it’s intended purpose as well.

Ikea tubs on the left hold tinned food with a shallower one on top for fruit/bread.

Tea towels and place mats stop the pans and plates rattling with some assistance from non slip matting.

I am still playing/moving things/organising all of the time and will eventually settle on what works for us I’m sure.

At least it might stop the OH asking where everything is eventually!
Found these in Homebargains £1 each works well, there soft plastic and will absorb rattles have now bought 4.
We use acoustic foam in the drawer under the back seat and in the cupboards below the sink/burner. It prevents anything from sliding so no things bumping into each other and it has its own soundproofing capabilities.

Additionally we've put IKEA skubb boxes for compartmentalising stuff under the back seat and for placing plates and glasses/cups under the sink cupboard. With all this hardly a peep is noticeable and no need to use tea towels or anything else to prevent rattling. We put a lid of an ikea box on top of the cutlery and that seems to block some noise as well.

As a last note, someone else mentioned Chili from Taiwan, I also highly recommend watching his YouTube channel for tips and tricks!
If you are handy, a very nice solution is to make well-fitting felt trays in which things can be placed.
Tools: Stanley Knife/carpet knife
Card: to create a pattern
A marker to trace the outline of the pattern onto felt
A sheet of about 5mm felt
Studs, stapling machine, or leather sawing set depending on how you wish to finish the drawers.

  1. Fun to make
  2. Tough
  3. Biodegradable
  4. Sound absorbing
  5. cheap
If you are handy, a very nice solution is to make well-fitting felt trays in which things can be placed.
Tools: Stanley Knife/carpet knife
Card: to create a pattern
A marker to trace the outline of the pattern onto felt
A sheet of about 5mm felt
Studs, stapling machine, or leather sawing set depending on how you wish to finish the drawers.

  1. Fun to make
  2. Tough
  3. Biodegradable
  4. Sound absorbing
  5. cheap
Is there a pic anywhere, Paul?

I looked on Youtube at a guy from Japan I think called Chili. He is incredibly tidy, unlike me, but it gave me a good grounding of what to use.

He has fitted his van out with Ikea stuff and gives a list of what he used.

I took my van to Ikea.


Took them back to the van and played while I had a cup of tea, and then took back what I thought I wouldn't use. You also have a year to take back unused stuff as long as you have the reciept, so did a bit of that too.

I have used mainly skubb. I find them solid enough to contain things, but have a bit of flexability to shuv in the cupboard.

Plates sit flat in the bottom of the larger square ones with bowls on top and mugs around the edge of the bowls.
I bough Brunner plates and bowls and glasses at the NEC, they all have a non slip rubber grommet on the bottom..... no rattling.

Then in the back I use Skubb again

six of these fit under the shelf in the back

I hope this helps
Yes I loved his videos. They are great. When I picked our van up I stopped at IKEA on the way home.
I don’t think we do anything special, lots of Tupperware that tesselates well, IKEA sticky shelve stuff to stop some sliding and a teatowel chucked in each cupboard which tends to stop any tinkling.

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