tailgate corrosion, VW will not rectify


Guy Raymond

T5 Beach
Quick question

Local VW garage won't rectify some tiny rust spots around number plate / tail gate handle because it has been resprayed before, which I have since found out is true (done by the previous owner).

Is this reasonable or should I challenge this? It's a 2016 model

Nothing to lose if you challenge but the fact that that it’s been sprayed before will make it difficult to prove it was a VW fault. Any idea why it was sprayed? If it was done though VW due to rust, then you might have a case.
I’m afraid Vw are within their right to refuse the repair as the previous repair was not carried out by VW ( or an approved VW repairer?)
Therefore they cannot warrant the original repair.

Do you know when and where the repair was carried out.
If it was an insurance claim, the repair will be guaranteed for a perioD of time ( I think three years is normal)

If it was a private repair , I.e non insurance, then you can try the body shop if you can provide a receipt for the work.

If it was VW whom repaired the tailgate, then you are quite within your right to get them to sort it
Corrosion warranty is for perforation only not rust spots. As your details say T5 then out of warranty. So just find a decent spray shop like SJ Curtis and just get it done properly...
Hi everyone. See attached. It was resprayed as a trailer head had gawdged it whilst hooking up to the tow bar. A local garage who has quoted me said the priming around the handle wasn't good enough, or sealed properly which has led to water ingress... Its happened on both sides. Quite a bit of labour to remove trim apparently. Anyone recognise this? Its a very late 5.1, and a 2016 reg.




What’s the cost of a full respray of the tail gate ?

My guess would be £750+ ?

Can you remove the internal trim panels yourself to reduce cost ? (And refit after? ) a body shop will charge you an hourly rate far In Excess of the cost if an insurance company were paying ( insurance co’s have agreed rates wth minimal profit for the repair co, sadly this is not the case for private work)

Is the tailgate in generally good condition other than the obvious ( in the photos) ? Or does it need a full strip and paint?

If the former, Get a quote from a smart repair company, I would imagine they will be way less than a body shop and if done correctly you wouldn’t even know it’s been done .

As you seem to know how the original work was prompted, do you have the details of the original repairer and the receipt?
Are they a member of the VBRA ?
The original work should have Carried some guarantee? (When was it done) can you get them to effect a decent repair FOC ?

If left, that corrosion will become a large problem, either way get it sorted ASAP.
What’s the cost of a full respray of the tail gate ?

My guess would be £750+ ?

Can you remove the internal trim panels yourself to reduce cost ? (And refit after? ) a body shop will charge you an hourly rate far In Excess of the cost if an insurance company were paying ( insurance co’s have agreed rates wth minimal profit for the repair co, sadly this is not the case for private work)

Is the tailgate in generally good condition other than the obvious ( in the photos) ? Or does it need a full strip and paint?

If the former, Get a quote from a smart repair company, I would imagine they will be way less than a body shop and if done correctly you wouldn’t even know it’s been done .

As you seem to know how the original work was prompted, do you have the details of the original repairer and the receipt?
Are they a member of the VBRA ?
The original work should have Carried some guarantee? (When was it done) can you get them to effect a decent repair FOC ?

If left, that corrosion will become a large problem, either way get it sorted ASAP.
Thanks perfectos. VW Bristol's bodyshop was about £650. I would like to try and remove the trim myself. I have been told it is a difficult job. The rest of the tailgate is fine, very new really! What do you mean 'smart repair company'? I was told the whole thing needs to be resprayed, but as surprised at that. The company that repaired it says the guarantee (it was done in winter 2018) is not transferable to me as a new owner. They are in Derbyshire. I am in Bristol!
To take all the bootlid trim off, it is indeed a hell of a job.
But then you have clear acces to the inside. And while the trim is off, you could opt for a rearview camera (if you would need it?) I installed one on mine, and I am glad I did it.
Smart repair is where the repairer comes to your home / work

Similar to this company ( I’m not advocating this company but merely highlighting the idea)

But the principle is the same , man with a van with all the kit to carry out a proper repair to a smallish area, lower overheads = lower cost
Smart repair won't work here, as you will have to remove the inner trim to remove the number plate light bar. And that is from the inside.
You can't repair this damage without removing inner and outer trims.
This is a franchised business doing smart repairs, research it yourself, there will be lots locally, some franchises some not

Smart repair won't work here, as you will have to remove the inner trim to remove the number plate light bar. And that is from the inside.
You can't repair this damage without removing inner and outer trims.
Hence the question about removing the trim either to reduce body shop cost or facilitate a smart repair
Smart repair is where the repairer comes to your home / work

Similar to this company ( I’m not advocating this company but merely highlighting the idea)

But the principle is the same , man with a van with all the kit to carry out a proper repair to a smallish area, lower overheads = lower cost
Ah I see, great. Thanks.will take a look! This could really help!
Have you tried contacting the previous owner? It might be worth asking these questions:

1. How long ago did this repair take place?
2. Has he/she still got the paperwork regarding this repair?
3. Was the work guaranteed and if so until when?
4. If a guarantee was issued and is still running, is it transferable ?

The chances are this will get you nowhere but it's worth asking.
Have you tried contacting the previous owner? It might be worth asking these questions:

1. How long ago did this repair take place?
2. Has he/she still got the paperwork regarding this repair?
3. Was the work guaranteed and if so until when?
4. If a guarantee was issued and is still running, is it transferable ?

The chances are this will get you nowhere but it's worth asking.
See Post 8.:thumb
Thanks perfectos. VW Bristol's bodyshop was about £650. I would like to try and remove the trim myself. I have been told it is a difficult job. The rest of the tailgate is fine, very new really! What do you mean 'smart repair company'? I was told the whole thing needs to be resprayed, but as surprised at that. The company that repaired it says the guarantee (it was done in winter 2018) is not transferable to me as a new owner. They are in Derbyshire. I am in Bristol!

See below code of conduct an warranty for work for NBRA members.
As far as I’m aware the warranty offered by vehicle repair companies is not solely limited to the original customer

Important: Was the work carried out under an insurance claim, if so you can get the insurer involved whom will make the repair company fix the works the insurers paid for ? If not they can be struck off the supplier list for that insurer

Presuming the company is reputable and a memenber of the trade association?

This issue by the very nature is incorrect / poor workmanship / materials, you have a case if you wanted to pursue the original repair co.

You have this confirmed by another “reputable “ repair company !

Personally I would not let this one go, due to the cost of the remedial works, the obvious poor workmanship and the relatively recent period of time the work was carried out ( less than two years) which is not an acceptable period of time as the expectation is that body repair work should solve a problem not introduce one a relatively short period of time later, particularly due to the original poor workmanship!

I wold appeal to the companies better nature, and point out the facts and the U.K. consumer law ( google it)
If they refuse to carry out the repair solely at their full cost, which would involve collecting you vehicle from you home on a truck and delivering it back to you,
I would threaten the repair co with trading standards and if they are a member of the trade body make contact with them also to report the issue and the lack of cooperation by its member !

If the original repair co. refuse to carry out the remedial repair relating to their poor workmanship, you could have the repair carried out by your nominated company and take the company to small claims to recover the cost of the remedial works it’s unlikely that the original repair co. would attend a court in Bristol ?

The threat of this may loosen the attitude from the original repair co. And see you with a repair at no cost to you.
Hi Perfectos. Thanks for the email. Im glad you say this, as this is my line of thought too. I will keep chasing! Cheers
Just found out it was done through Insurance!
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Just found out it was done through Insurance!
Contact the repair company, tell them you know it was an insurance job, ask if they will collect your vehicle, repair it and return it back to you ( flat bed truck)
If not contact the insurance company and report it as poor workmanship and ask them to correct it !
They will insist that the original repair co sort it out, or they will remove the co. From the supplier list, I.e. no more insurance work, which is the bread and butte4 of the repair trade.

Good luck keep us updated

VW California Club
