Testing the waters



It's been 11 years since we had our last camper (T4 Bilbo), which was great when the children were young (<10) but subsequent years demanded more traditional transport means. Now we're getting to the point where the kids are self propelled, we're giving into a hankering to return to our camper van days.

So we've hired a Cali for two weeks and heading north of the border as an extended test drive :)

Any suggestions on what to take with us (e.g. pup tent for luggage) and any suggestions on places to stay in the Oban area?

If successful, then comes the challenge of finding a Cali as a more permanent fixture.

I'm sure you'll love the Cali and if you've booked through Oli at Bognor then I think the van will have kit for most eventualities.

We use a small (£25) pop up tent although we've just bought a Khyam driveaway.

Probably worth having a look at some Cali's now and see what specs etc are on offer then you'll have an idea of what is and isn't standard on the van you've hired and could ascertain if it would be of use to you or not.
We're driving to Oban (then heading to Iona) on 12th August too - YIKES!! :eek: :lol:
We head off on Friday, destined for Mull with a detour through Edinburgh & Perth (to drop daughter & friend at a camp). Not sure what colour the Cali will be until Thursday when we pick it up.

So far we're taking a small tent and windbreak to work in conjunction with the Cali's awning, plus the old porta-potti (from our previous camper).
I'd love to go to Mull - looked at it on a map years ago and decided it was somewhere i would go one day. Such a long way though...
We've got 2 weeks coming up at the end of september, could be a bit of a risk weather wise especially after the spring/summer we've had up until last week.
What are the midges/flies like this time of year? (including end of september)
Midges are at their worst in August and the ferocity drops off in September so by the end you should be okay.

We find living up on Skye that the end of September and beginning of October can be some of the best weather of the year as can Easter with the caveat it's not likely o be hot.

At least from Leicester to Skye I can try it on just about all the possible UK road types :grin:
Cheers Jock that's good to know, perhaps after all the rain we'll get a good autumn this year - can but hope anyway.
Talking of midges when we stayed at a campsite near porthcurno over the jubilee weekend they were driving me mad there in the evenings - made my head itch really badly. So bad we couldn't stay outside and had to retire to our awning.
Never known it there before.
Many people have many wacky anti-midge ideas forget them.

Avon skin-so-soft as used by all the fishermen I know up here and the Royal Marines.

Better than DEET for you and you get moisturised at he same time :lol:
Very interesting!!

I'm a walking feast for Mozzies & Midges and I normally have to rely on a heavy intake of Gin & Tonic to keep me clear of the little blighters but sadly this does have practicality issues when out with the Cali :laugh2

I googled and found -


http://avonshop.co.uk/product/bath-and- ... spray.html

All of which is contrary to -

http://www.which.co.uk/home-and-garden/ ... epellents/

Avon Skin So Soft
There is much internet chat, and even a rumour that it is used by many soliders, suggesting that Avon’s Skin So Soft is an effective insect repellent, though Avon makes no such claims.

There is even a website – which isn’t connected with Avon at all – that sells it as an insect repellent.

We thought we’d see if the rumours were true – sadly they are not. It may keep your skin super soft, but did not do much to deter the mozzies.

However you have aroused my interest and I'm going to order some!! Thanks. :thumb
Same here. As a regular moisturiser user (don't laugh) i will definitely get some!
Use the code PRIMA12 to get free delivery on £15 worth :laugh2
I regularly battle with the scottish midge.

Skin so Soft works (but only for a short time because the sweat washes it off real quick).

But a word of warning: animals can smell it miles downwind (I MEAN miles).
So don't stalk with it on or play at being in the armed forces with it on.
It'll only end in tears.
I think the Marines only use it when the scare the crap out of us by appearing round the coast :laugh2 driving the RIBs up the beach and charge off into the hills behind scaring us and the dog half to death :?

Before wandering back later to scoot off again. The only thing they are at war with is the Midge at that point.

It is a good point though it has a certain smell and needs regular application to work or in my case I just ensure the missus is with and then they do not bother me at all and they swarm her biting so much she still has the scars 2 years later... :laugh2
There seems to be more than one - does the standard one do the job or are one of the Bug Guard versions better?
On Mull last week we bought a citronella candle (in a tin) made by the local soap company in Tobermory and lit it in the evening and put it on the cooker, it did a very effective job of keeping the midge at bay even with the side door wide open.
We've used citronella candles for several years. They certainly seem to keep a light infestation of bugs away, and smell good. Cargo sell a night light size version. Citronella is the repellant of choice in Oz, where they are concerned about the environmental impact of DEET.

We first bought skin so soft a couple of years ago for a Scottish trip, but didn't really need it because the wind and rain kept the bugs at bay. But it's great for evening use around a campsite at most times of year for keeping the annoying bitey things away. Both products live in the Cali year round.

We also bought some Nikwax Skitostop spray and have sprayed the roof windows. No clue whether this would be effective against midges but will report back when we find out.
This is a VERY good prompt for me to buy some repellent - we're off to Iona (in the van 99% of the way) on Saturday!!
Used to use mosquito repellent coils in Africa, they seemed to work.
Just spent 6 glorious days in Kilchoan on the Ardnamurchan Peninsula spectacular!!. cheated as we we staying in a friends croft. Weather superb but the midge was vicious. A head net, Tilley hat and covering up as much skin as possible was the only fix. First time we have been in this area and it was superb. Corran ferry cheap at £7 and quick but the road from Salen to Kilchoan a nightmare. Lots of wild camping and two campsites we came across on our travels The View Campsite on the road to the Tobermory Ferry and the Ardnamurchan Campsite through Kilchoan Village. Sanna Bay stunning white sand and views, Ardnamurchan Point Lighthouse which you can go up(lots of steps) and Mull all worth a visit. We travelled to Mull as foot passengers takes you right into Tobermory. Best fish and chips I have tasted at the Fishermans Pier (always taste better at the seaside), Aros walk to the waterfalls and the old pier, then a pint in the Mishnish pub, oldest pub in Tobermory. Petrol and most other things on the peninsula expensive so fill your tank before going across and fresh bread hard to come by.

VW California Club
