Hi everyone, we are a family of four living in Guernsey in the Channel Islands. We picked up our new Ocean just over two weeks ago and are loving it. With a busy life with lots of bikes and away trips (we all do triathlon) we had been thinking about a van for a little while. I visited the local VW Commercial dealer on the Island to see if they ever got Calis in and it turned out they had an Ocean they had been sitting on for a few months. We had it for a Saturday and all fell in love with it and the impulse purchase followed the next day. Was a bit worried about the size of it driving everyday on the Island as some of the roads are very narrow and “granite rash” is a common problem, but so far it has been fine and it seems to handle in a pretty compact way. I do find myself avoiding some roads though! Was also a little worried about not getting to choose a colour and all the options but it seems to have most of the things we would have wanted - the dealer who had spec’ed it out talked us through his decisions and a lot of them seem to make sense - I guess time will tell. In the end the temptation of a van that was there with pretty much everything we wanted and had a good deal on it was too tempting and won out over a six month wait. She’s been named Tiki the Explorer (my wife and I are both from New Zealand originally) although we’re fighting the children’s tendency to call her Dora the Explorer! Plan is to use her as a base camp for triathlon and running events and take her across to the U.K. and the Continent for future exploring holidays. Maybe one day down the track we’ll retire her back to NZ if it works out. At the moment I’m just enjoying doing the school run in her. Sorry for the ramble- it’s just great to have a forum where you can share the excitement with other people who will understand.
Cheers all
Cheers all