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Travelling to southern Spain



VIP Member
I have been invited to join friends in Los Madrillos for a couple of weeks in early 2015
Any tips for a solo traveller crossing Spain from Santander to Murcia ?
Hi Malc, Have you booked at the campsite as we have been there in november and been told that it is usually full from january onwards. We call it gods waiting room as its full of old codgers! Everyone goes to bed early.Hope you have a lovely time there as we have been many times. We can recommend Casa Del NO NO restaurant down the road.
regards Caliblue.
Sounds perfect Caliblue as I'm probably one of the oldest Cali members. Did you notice whether they do Horlicks ? Thanks for the tip about friends never mentioned that. What I was really trying to find out was any tips on security. Does anyone travel with a dash cam? If so which one?
Also been told never to leave the Cali even in a supermarket car park. Very difficult on your own. Are these scares just the media building up stories. Anyone out there travel solo or could add their bit....cheers Malc any info would be great.
malc said:
Sounds perfect Caliblue as I'm probably one of the oldest Cali members. Did you notice whether they do Horlicks ? Thanks for the tip about friends never mentioned that. What I was really trying to find out was any tips on security. Does anyone travel with a dash cam? If so which one?
Also been told never to leave the Cali even in a supermarket car park. Very difficult on your own. Are these scares just the media building up stories. Anyone out there travel solo or could add their bit....cheers Malc any info would be great.

Although we have never travelled alone and before we had the Cali we have often left motorcycles loaded with camping gear outside hotels, supermarkets and tourist attractions and never had any problems.
This year in the Cali we never thought twice before parking up to go shopping or sightseeing. The Spanish have plenty of expensive cars, there are rotten apples in any society but the Spanish in general don't seem to do a lot of petty crime.
As for the gangs of eastern Europeans that roam around Spain and France miraculously putting just enough poisonous gas into a vehicle so that 20 stone adults and toddlers alike are rendered unconscious and then wake up, it truly is a miracle -urban myth or insurance scam?
Be aware of your surroundings, don't leave valuables on display as you wouldn't at home and enjoy yourself.

Are you stopping on the way down?
Hiya I do a bit of travelling in my own. Am booked Portsmouth Santander 14/1/2015 am working my way down Spain to Portugal Near Tavira then across the coast to most if Southern Spain, back up,via Zaragova to Bilbao returning to UK 19/3/2015. I've booked campsites via Camping and Caravan club. I've recently come back from Sicily on my own and came back via the Spanish South Coast and headed up to Bilbao. I didn't have sites booked all the way back just used a Camping Card via ACSI and dropped in. Also wild camped outside a Michelin starred restaurant in Zaragova so I could have the tasting menu-great fun. Left the van parked in most majorr towns perfectly ok without any problems at all. It's just as safe as the UK just be sensible and choose a road wide enough so your vehicle doesn't get clipped.
There are loads of non Horlicks people travelling for much of the year it's not just for the over 80's. Just do it, you won't regret it!
DSG 180 4 motion 2014 with some add ons of course.
Travelling by yourself in a Cali in Spain is no hassle at all! My feeling is that if you feel a bit uneasy (hardly ever!) you just lower your roof at night,lock up and sleep downstairs. Plenty of room when alone! The Cali is quite popular in Spain, so you will often see them parked somewhere near a beach/ lake etc...just drive up towards them, not too close! ...and have a lovely and relaxed evening. Spain is great for camping in the wild!
Thank you so much ....I'm off! I was in France for nearly 2months this year. So it's not much different. Amazing how gossip gets out of perspective. Well I better get cooking because I'm having the family round today 25th......chinese banquet.happy christmas and thanks Malc
Anybody going to Los Madrillos can't book ahead... and they only take cash.
We free camped a fair bit in Spain last year; no issues at all.
We travelled from bilbao towards the picos de europa in 2013, then all the way down central Spain to faro in Portugal. Generally no issues whatsoever, but one encounter did leave me thinking... two chaps pulled alongside my vehicle when travelling on the motorway, they were signalling like there was something wrong with my car, and motioned that they would come with us, if we pulled over. we politely declined and stopped a few miles down the road at a filling station. Checked the car and no issues at all.
On our return, I saw some watchdog program or similar, and it showed these chaps doing just as they to me, but when you get out to check a suspect wheel, tyre or trim etc, their passenger sneaks in to your car and relieves it of some goodies. A bit of an opportunistic smash n grab I suspect, but it did ring a familiar bell when I thought back of the car that was wanting us to pull over.

If you must pull over, I guess the garage forecourt is as good as any, a well used and public space.
I drove all round Spain last year in my California. It's great, really easy and The Spanish are fab. You'll have a ball. Tune into my friend Bob's station from Valencia to Mercia. They'll make you feel welcome. Enjoy. Mitch
Hi, I grew up in the South of Spain (in Zafra, Badajoz) and IMO I find Spain as safe as UK. As everywhere there are rotten apples, but in general the country is safe, and road are as good as the British ones.

My suggestion is pay a little attention (as usual anywhere) and enjoy, you will discover lots of fantastic stuffs. Please, bear in mind that Spanish culture is different than the British one, no better no worse, just different.
My wifes parents had a gassing incident at the France Spain border back in 2013, three vans were attacked at the same time.

They are Eastern European gangs from what the police told them, the gas entered the motorhome as the front windpws were ajar due to the heat as it was mid August.
We drove to our friends at Los Gallados / Mojacar Playa last summer stopping at Issoire in France, Barcelona and Benidorm, on the way back we stopped at the Pyrenees, Dunes Du Pilat (massively recommend!). We didn't have any issues as such but then I am very vigilant, never leaving the van at service stations unattended and pull the blinds down when we are not near it etc
My friends had had the odd issue and it goes without saying never pull over for anyone if they wave you down. check your tyres before you leave a service station if you are on your own.
All my friends that have had these experiences have been between south of France to Barcelona so make sure you have fuel so you don't have to stop. Toll roads whilst expensive don't have so many locals on them so we tend to stick with them. In regards to the gassing I wouldn't camp at a service station and would only camp somewhere pre-booked but thats just me. My friend always advised me if the opportunity arises always park next to another British plate car.. safety in numbers and all that.

You can scare yourself in to not doing anything really, don't let a few bad eggs ruin your adventure, ours was awesome




Thank you one and all ...I am looking forward very positively. Thanks for all the great tips and support. That's what the cali community us about! Cheers Malc
When you say from France to Barcelona I'm assuming you pass through La Junquera. This point it's a very busy one where lots of trucks stops as well.

When I go to Zafra or Pamplona I ussually go through Irún. That's also very busy, but I've never had problems.

The proble in these points is that they are very busy, mainly in Xmas or summer sessions. Lot of people traveling and sleeping around, so rush time for thieves.

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