Hotel California
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Planned it a few times but never actually got there , as they say it is the second most visited touristic attraction in France next to the Eifel tower ( don't know the thru numbers).
Heard nothing but good about it as beeing magnificent , world heritage , unique ,...
We left on sathurday 6/11 afther lunchtime , home near Antwerp direction Normandie .
Arriving at Cap Gris Nez afther 275km , as it was late afthernoon parked up and took a 2,5 h walk allong the beach from Cap Gris Nez to Wissant and back...amazing beach with mossels growing on wooden poles , as they where taking them off with a special disgned tracktor.

The free camperspot we took was a street ending up downhill in the beach , parking for 5 motorhome/campers , free , but just park-up nothing more .

Next morning sunday 7/11 left Cap Gris Nez allong the coastline direction Cap d'Antifer (300km), where i saw a nice free camperspot ( camperguide) at the foot of the lighthouse on the edge of the cliffs....reminded me at the spot in Dover where we spent our first night for our 2014 COTF visit!

Went to do some walking arround as there where some details of war bunkers visible .

Amazing spot , nice and quiet afther dark we spend the night all allone .
Monday waking up stunning view over the sea and the boats passing , breakfast and off on the road to Beauvoir leaving Normandie to Brettanie .
Camping Aux Pommiers in Beauvoir (250km)found in the ACSI guide , nice camping in the last two days of the season they close 11/11 at noon so we book two days .
Nice facilyties and a heated indoor pool . Pitch, electric, 2pers. + dog 16 euro/day + tourist tax .

Went by foot to the Mont Saint-Michel as it is only 4km from campsite .
Took the dog just to get there and walk around , sightseeing and go back the day afther without the dog to vistit the abby.

Heard nothing but good about it as beeing magnificent , world heritage , unique ,...
We left on sathurday 6/11 afther lunchtime , home near Antwerp direction Normandie .
Arriving at Cap Gris Nez afther 275km , as it was late afthernoon parked up and took a 2,5 h walk allong the beach from Cap Gris Nez to Wissant and back...amazing beach with mossels growing on wooden poles , as they where taking them off with a special disgned tracktor.

The free camperspot we took was a street ending up downhill in the beach , parking for 5 motorhome/campers , free , but just park-up nothing more .

Next morning sunday 7/11 left Cap Gris Nez allong the coastline direction Cap d'Antifer (300km), where i saw a nice free camperspot ( camperguide) at the foot of the lighthouse on the edge of the cliffs....reminded me at the spot in Dover where we spent our first night for our 2014 COTF visit!

Went to do some walking arround as there where some details of war bunkers visible .

Amazing spot , nice and quiet afther dark we spend the night all allone .
Monday waking up stunning view over the sea and the boats passing , breakfast and off on the road to Beauvoir leaving Normandie to Brettanie .
Camping Aux Pommiers in Beauvoir (250km)found in the ACSI guide , nice camping in the last two days of the season they close 11/11 at noon so we book two days .
Nice facilyties and a heated indoor pool . Pitch, electric, 2pers. + dog 16 euro/day + tourist tax .

Went by foot to the Mont Saint-Michel as it is only 4km from campsite .
Took the dog just to get there and walk around , sightseeing and go back the day afther without the dog to vistit the abby.

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