Try Before You Buy Opportunity...



VIP Trade Partner
We're excited to announce that we've teamed up with @breezevancentres for a great ‘try before you buy’ opportunity...
One weekend with the Volkswagen California and you’ll be hooked.

If you hire one from Kamper Hire and you like it so much you decide to buy your own from one of the Breeze Van Centres in Poole, Havant or Southampton, Breeze will cover the cost of your hire when they take payment for your new VW California.

Get in touch for further details or book directly at ‪‬ 01489 894 333‬

try befor you buy.jpg
Lots of recommendations to people who are not sure on here to hire - a nice offer if you what to try before you buy.
A nice offer. I tried before I bought from kamperhire ........ (September 2013 Mark ... I returned it with slightly modified bodywork:shocked:oops: )
I would always recommend trying before you buy, unless you've been in a campervan before, expensive to find out its not for you if you buy one before trying. :)
I noticed I think on eBay today that someone was selling after 3 months deciding camping was not for them. Van looked nice but did seem a little cheap when compared to those on here!

VW California Club
