Unable to load profile



T6.1 Ocean 150
Finally my new Cali ocean has arrived, all good apart from saving profile. I have managed to download we connect onto my android phone and log in. I have put in my VIN number and it see,s the van OK. I have media pro, when I use the same username and password to add new user in the van, itvthinks about it for a while and then says unable to load profile. I have tried this on esim and when connected to my own profile. My dealer is trundling to understand how to resolve, and VW says go to dealer. Any ideas? Regards, Mike
Hi Mike,

maybe not the answer you want to hear, but the we connect is of very very limited use to Cali owners.

the VW system regularly fails to allow access, I gave up after a time as the very limited benefits do not outweigh the frustration
Finally my new Cali ocean has arrived, all good apart from saving profile. I have managed to download we connect onto my android phone and log in. I have put in my VIN number and it see,s the van OK. I have media pro, when I use the same username and password to add new user in the van, itvthinks about it for a while and then says unable to load profile. I have tried this on esim and when connected to my own profile. My dealer is trundling to understand how to resolve, and VW says go to dealer. Any ideas? Regards, Mike
Have no idea how to fix...but ‘turn off & reboot’ tends to solve most computer related issues. Is it possible to reset the unit to default settings & then retry; Older VW units can be rebooted by holding power button for about 10seconds.
I had the same problem. The data connection didn’t seem to work initially. I connected to my Wi-fi hotspot to do the registration process. It then registered, and updated. Our signal is poor at home which may also be why the hotspot worked rather than using the vans data.
Finally my new Cali ocean has arrived, all good apart from saving profile. I have managed to download we connect onto my android phone and log in. I have put in my VIN number and it see,s the van OK. I have media pro, when I use the same username and password to add new user in the van, itvthinks about it for a while and then says unable to load profile. I have tried this on esim and when connected to my own profile. My dealer is trundling to understand how to resolve, and VW says go to dealer. Any ideas? Regards, Mike
The first time I had to set this up in my 6.1 I had to call VW tech gurus. Very helpful and it was all sorted.

All sorted now after conversation with tech guys. However shows windows open when they are not.
All sorted now after conversation with tech guys. However shows windows open when they are not.
Could you share what the solution to “unable to load user profile” issue was for you please? I’ve tried to call the support number several times and get disconnected each time.
Could you share what the solution to “unable to load user profile” issue was for you please? I’ve tried to call the support number several times and get disconnected each time.
There's a software update needed from the VW dealer. That fixed my "unable to load.." message as well as the VW Rescue service outage message.
There's a software update needed from the VW dealer. That fixed my "unable to load.." message as well as the VW Rescue service outage message.
Thank you. Not the over the air update that was installed while the dealer and I were sat in the vehicle then? He set up two Calis yesterday without a hitch, we’ve tried everything with mine - media factory reset, changing password, deleting and reinstalling the app, using my phone’s hotspot.
Thank you, I’ll give SOS a try. For clarity, as of handover at the dealer’s I’ve been unable to set myself up with a user profile.
SOS trick didn’t work for me.
Finally got through to We Connect services helpline, they were great and fixed it in two minutes. The issue was that the privacy (at the top under the settings icon from Users) had defaulted to maximum privacy (first icon on the row) and as such was not communicating with the server. A change to “share my location” (last icon on the row) fixed it.

A simple thing and one that really ought to be trapped with a meaningful error message. The dealer had never encountered it before. Alles gut.

VW California Club
