Use as a mobile office?



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Hi, does anyone use their Cali as a mobile office/ accommodation for work??

If so how do you find it? Do shirts fit in the wardrobe on hangers? Etc

Might be an odd thread but been looking into a Cali for a few years, now both on here and on the FB site, but still need more evidence to convince the long haired admiral that it is a viable option, so going down the 'look I can even use it during the week,' approach ;) ?....... Trust me I'm all for it!!
Re: Use as a mibile office?

It does have a plug socket if that helps. :lol: :lol: seriously though I think several members on here do
So I'm sure they will be along shortly to fill you in.and try and help you do some persuading.
Me and my wife run a small PR company and have used it a couple of times as a daytime mobile office. Part of the reason for getting it was to be able to work right by the sea if needed!
Why OMG as your first reaction???

I'm trying to obtain info if anyone uses there Cali in a more working environment and used when working away on business (instead of using hotels/ renting? providing there was a site/ camping location nearby) Hence the question does the wardrobe fit in shirts on hangers?
Richie said:
Why OMG as your first reaction???

I'm trying to obtain info if anyone uses there Cali in a more working environment and used when working away on business (instead of using hotels/ renting? providing there was a site/ camping location nearby) Hence the question does the wardrobe fit in shirts on hangers?

It's pretty shallow so I'd say probably not on the shirt front. If you a half decent folder of shirts though, you'll be fine. Or you could bundle the shirts and suits in a good suit bag and hang it off the many hooks?

I think we'll be doing the odd trip partially for business in ours - luckily we rarely need to be super smart though.

We do a lot in Bristol so would use Baltic Wharf. London could be trickier but probably do-able - might need to stay in the peripheral areas though?
Cheers kernow!

With regards to London i've heard good reviews for both Lee Valley and Crystal Palace sites
OMG as in ....surely this vehicle is about pleasure not pain!
Then I picture the "office" window looking out over the quay; river; valley; lake/loch; moor etc etc. And this has been added to by mention of the Baltic Wharf site which has some great pubs around so as Bruce Springsteen has spookily just said, "I ain't here for business I'm only here for fun"
:) you're right it is about pleasure! The thought of being able to use a Cali as an alternative to staying in hotels / renting would be great, especially in the summer months!
Richie said:
If so how do you find it? Do shirts fit in the wardrobe on hangers?
Hi Richie, shirts are fine on hangers if you don't have the safe. ;)

I use mine as a mobile office as after a few days of working at home I like a change of scenery. There's nothing better than driving to a car park with a view and spending the day working, looking out on a lake or something equally as beautiful. I also take my bike for a bit of lunchtime fun.

I have a MiFi router from 3 Networks which means I have WiFi in the van which allows me to hookup my work laptop to the internet and VPN to the office. I'm able to video conference and use Office Communication Server to make all my calls over WiFi. People are gutted when they are sitting in the office and see me on video working out in the country.

I make sure I park up near a public loo and that I've got water and food on board. The heating keeps me warm all day long and the price of the diesel used is well worth it compared to just sitting at home.

I tend to go home each day so I can't comment on keeping shirts ironed.
i am thinking of buying for this purpose too- i also know someone with a buy to let empire thinking of doing the same. Also could a california beach do some of this cheaper depending on what you want?

Mifi has been mentioned and have a dualit lattechinno ready and waiting to be used.

the plan is that when working from home i will drive it to a local country park etc and lock myself away- mountain bike over lunch and early evening

ditto staying away when travelling

have not yet looking into whether costs could be tax deductable in so far as used exclusively for work. An interesting concept though (and beneficial from a business perspective)

posts on this subject welcomed- wish it had more flexibility on seat numbers though to make it even more versatile

Nb the idea mentioned of developing a list of campsites near business locations/train stations to business locations is a very good one!
That is an excellent idea dsou.
I have also been think about the mobile office opportunities that the Cali(s) offer. It is another plus for them.

VW California Club
