VW APEX festival - 18th-19th May



Guest User
slightly late posting this one guys ....
i'll be off to the VW APEX festival , show & racing at lydden circuit in the kent ...

18-19th May .....this show ,event ,festival & racing is in its second year and we had a great time last year ....
if your at a loose end it's worth a look guys


Hi Lee,

Could've done with something like this a few weeks ago, but busy this weekend!!

Looks right up my street though!!

I'm gonna stick it in my 2014 diary early I think!!

Good to meet you at the weekend!!

It's going to be a good weekend ,as it was great last year and they where just testing the water then
Looks like the weather is going to be good enough for ( maybe) shorts , but the wellies will be going with me just in case ... Vw racing challenge line up looks good we're doing a helicopter photo and the clubs are going to get some track time as well ...Cali racing .. Lol lol
Weather good ... Just getting ready to leave ... A quick 20 on the turbo trainer then I'm off. Lol
Got to get training in for the h4h "dawn raid" bike ride when ever I can these days :)
Well the weather held out for the show ...racing & drifting was good to watch and plenty of vw's to look at ....didn't go mad and buy loads of crap like i usually do ,but couldn't resist another flag .... :lol: .....
got to meet another fellow cali owner and straight away for their names ...i did give them a card and i think they said they do post sometimes ,but missed the cotf 2013 and deffo going to make the cotf 2014 :)

VW California Club
