Wheelclamp +/or steering wheel lock?



South Wales
T5 SE 180 4Motion
First a big "thank you" to this forum and all your advice which greatly influenced our final choice of a brand new van rather than conversion/second hand etc
First ever forum post so apologies if I'm in the wrong place
Having read of the horrible theft from RBrown, I'm now fretting over security
My cali arrives in 3 weeks and am debating bolting it down as securely as possible to my driveway
Wheelclamp/steering wheel or any other recommendations greatly accepted
Hi and welcome. The cali is very difficult to steal without the keys
I don't think you need to bolt it down just hide the keys.
The problem these days if they want it bad enough they will break into your house and don't care if you are in or not.they even resort to violence to get the keys.
Keys from house break ins is the biggest way cars seem to be stolen these days. So keep them under your pillow. OR sleep in the Cali. If I was going add extra it would bea tracker and make sure my insurance was one of the firms that offer anew resplacement for vehicles under 2 years old
So after cakikev advise perhaps under the pillow may not be the best advise, under the german shepard may be better
Thanks for the replies
Theft of Cali fears allayed
Just need to upgrade the house locks and alarm now lol
I always reverse mine up to the garage doors then park the car in front of it:thumb
A wheelclamp maybe of use if your vehicle is for occasional use, but mine is my daily drive, now being retired, and is in constant use. I prefer my vehicle to be user friendly and I am not going to be undoing wheelclamps or steering locks every time I want to use it. Good insurance, not the cheapest, is of prime importance.
Having previously been the victim of 3 drug affected youths breaking into a house after car keys, I would suggest leaving the keys in a place that they will be easily found downstairs - obviously not within sight of the letterbox or sitting on a windowsill which would be inviting trouble.

I would far rather they broke in took the keys & went away rather than be woken at knife point again. Fortunately a police car driving past at 3am saw the front door was open thought it was a bit strange & stopped to investigate.

My father in law being a white farmer in South Africa has the right idea - gun on the bedside table loaded ready to use, sawn off shotgun clipped to the dashboard of the car......
I've got a security post behind my cali on the drive. I don't keep the van & post keys in the same place.
Get a rottweiler:thumb
I got a Bearlock , a lock on the gearshifter ( manual or dsg possible) neatly build in , lock and un lock with a special key in one second.
The Bearlock is not something new and has been proven very good anti theft , in the Netherlands some insurence do not give a omnium ( theft ) protction without installing a Bearlock , other insurence then give a discount if Bearlock installed .
Cost me on DSG about 400 euro .

Can' t find a Englisch version , try google translate
Unfortunately haven't found anyone who installs Bearlock in the UK. Does anyone know?
Unfortunately haven't found anyone who installs Bearlock in the UK. Does anyone know?

Had mine installed in Holland ( Amersfoort) , takes about 3 to 4 hours work , can be done while waiting , so anyone passing on a holliday can take a stopover at Camper Centrum Nederland and have it installed .
This firm in wellknown and knows almost anything about VW campers in general.
When i go there ,i drive overthere sundayevening ,do a sleepover at parking , maintenance first thing in the morning ...leave by midday...it is for me a two hours trip but well worth!

Site in Dutch , but scoll down and walk thru the shop with google ....says it all!
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Thanks, will keep that in mind. May stop there on a trip.
Must do , many Cali's in showroom , Brandrup parts , ....usually get 10%
Coffee , internet,....
They get people from all over Europe .
Do you think I would be able to get a spare key for our Bearlock? We got only one key when we bought the Cali, so I am afraid it would break or we would lose it. I cannot find someone to copy the key in Belgium...
Do you think I would be able to get a spare key for our Bearlock? We got only one key when we bought the Cali, so I am afraid it would break or we would lose it. I cannot find someone to copy the key in Belgium...
Try contact Campercentrum Nederland , they are very frendly even when your no client and new to them , explain things and see what they suggest.Ask for Ruud.
Maybe it is possible to change the key cylinder so you get new keys and the risk of someone still having that other key is out of the way...
A spare key can only be orderd if you got the "passport " with codes ,deliverd when lock is installed , if it's not given to you by the previous owner it would be difficult i guess.
I will contact them to ask. Indeed they are very friendly and helpful!!
We have a DIsclock its a yellow metal clamp which fits all over the steering wheel and so can be moved from car to car which ever is the most vunerable
I had a disclock in my transporter, it's a heavy duty steering lock as Sandalfarm describes.
I don't use it in the cali when going away, find it a bit clumsy to store.
Very strong steering clamp though

Thanks to everyone for your responses
Still not sure what to buy yet,but probably go with wheelclamp when at home, and a steering lock when away.
Dislock for me too, any deterrent is a plus
Steering wheel lock if it was me, I would probably forget I had a wheel clamp on and try and drive off, like I did when my motorbike was fitted with a disc brake lock and I ended up sprawled all over the floor, feeling very embarrassed :confused:

I have to put a piece of velcro on the steering wheel to remind me to remove the hook up ...

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