I set off to France on the 26th of may. Heading on the E40 from Brugge (Bruges) to Brussel(s), I passed a British white California containing a male driver (I suppose, I didn't really see him) and a female passenger. They waved at me, I waved back.
Later on that day I counted another 7 California's (I only counted the factory built ones). I took the E411/E25 to Luxemburg and then the A 31, E 23 and the N 57 to Vesoul.
The 27th I went from Vesoul to Gap taking the E 23 and N 83 to the motorway A 39, A 40, A 42, A 43 and A 48 to Grenoble to get on the N 85 (Route Napoléon). I counted about 4 California's.
The 28th I went to Forcalquier, crossing 2 California's and seeing 2 Cali's on the campsite. One was from a Dutch couple I spoke to.
From Forcalquier I went back to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (La Sorguette) where I saw about 4 California's on the campsite.
I returned to Belgium in 2 days taking the Autoroute du Soleil (A 7 and A6).
I returned june 8th, and stopped counting California's when I reached 25!
Who of you were in that small traffic jam from Lyon to Orange? (200km) I was that blue one, crying for going home, but was glad I didn't need to go the other way.
Didn't count anymore on the 9th, but crossed a whole lot of them (and have been passed by most of them in my direction).
I set off to France on the 26th of may. Heading on the E40 from Brugge (Bruges) to Brussel(s), I passed a British white California containing a male driver (I suppose, I didn't really see him) and a female passenger. They waved at me, I waved back.
Later on that day I counted another 7 California's (I only counted the factory built ones). I took the E411/E25 to Luxemburg and then the A 31, E 23 and the N 57 to Vesoul.
The 27th I went from Vesoul to Gap taking the E 23 and N 83 to the motorway A 39, A 40, A 42, A 43 and A 48 to Grenoble to get on the N 85 (Route Napoléon). I counted about 4 California's.
The 28th I went to Forcalquier, crossing 2 California's and seeing 2 Cali's on the campsite. One was from a Dutch couple I spoke to.
From Forcalquier I went back to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (La Sorguette) where I saw about 4 California's on the campsite.
I returned to Belgium in 2 days taking the Autoroute du Soleil (A 7 and A6).
I returned june 8th, and stopped counting California's when I reached 25!
Who of you were in that small traffic jam from Lyon to Orange? (200km) I was that blue one, crying for going home, but was glad I didn't need to go the other way.
Didn't count anymore on the 9th, but crossed a whole lot of them (and have been passed by most of them in my direction).