Why does my radio have an AUX button but no socket?



T5 SE 180
According to the manual in my van there should be an Aux socket in the glove box(which there isn't) :?
If i access the mode settings on the head unit i can find "Aux input" :?
I would like to be able to connect iPod iPhone etc to the stereo in the van somehow but I'm struggling at the moment :oops:
Any advice appreciated
slowcoach65 said:
Have you checked the glove-box?
Yes i have, i have even had an Auto elect check this morning and he couldnt find it either :?:
Should be 3.5 mm socket in glovebox if not go back to where you bought from.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
I think the socket in glovebox might be optional. There should still be a socket in the radio though, perhaps in the back of it...
Andresz said:
I think the socket in glovebox might be optional. There should still be a socket in the radio though, perhaps in the back of it...
Getting closer now :D
How do i get the thing out to take a look behind?
Assuming it's the standard VW unit you won't find anything interesting pulling the radio out, save yourself the trouble.

Aux is in the glovebox - If it's not there you don't have it. (odd though as I thought it was standard)

Choices are the 3.5mm jack mentioned already or a socket for the Media Interface.
:D you are correct stu,
I just pulled the unit out only to find nothing which appears to be of any use ( no socket) :headbang
I'll get it to a specialist and see what happens
If you have the Aux input button, there must be some sort of external wiring into it.
If there is nothing separate, then it is probably embedded into one of the multi-contact plugs..
take the radio type and google it...
I have a parrot wot sit for my phone connection.
Will the lead still be ok ?
Should be OK with that one as the Phone should use the phone audio pins on the quadlock but if you want to be bullet proof go with this one which should have all the connectors populated
Remember to call Steve + SMG to order the small glove box trim.

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