Wifi in new to me GC600



VIP Member
Grand California 600
Hi All

Just working out all the functions in the GC I bought a couple of weeks ago, everything seems ok after research and reading the forum. I was going through the manuals and looking through the control panel and I have a wireless router card with passkey etc and its an option in the control panel. I guess this runs off a SIM card and I can see a unit under the passenger seat which I presume is the router but cannot see where a SIM would plug in? Anyone able to give advice on how to activate it, whether its worth it etc. Thanks in advance
the router is under the drivers seat if you have UK vehicle, if you look from the footwell you will see a sim card slot. once you have popped sim in you may need to configure and there are a few posts on here already explaining that part. I use Smarty data sim in mine and just add plan when going away, I like having different network to my phone so when one isn’t working well other normally is and rarely have no connection.
As mentioned by @Hammer I posted a recent thread as I had some technological challenges (mainly user incompetence on my part) when setting my new to me GC WiFi up last weekend! This forum was a great help and got my WiFi up and running. Best of luck
Hi Pasper2
Here is the 4 G Wifi router under the seat
You can see the location of the SIM card and the Micro SD card

4 G Router.jpg
The router only works when the GC 600 is stopped and the vehicle is not closed!
I replaced the expensive VW router with an inexpensive off the shelf router which is far more reliable.
Not impressed with the VW option.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Colinduncan1919
Which model did you choose? (in case of replacement of the original mounted)
No difficulty for connections?
I recently became an owner of a used (MY23) GrandCali and today I started 4G router for the first time to see if I can configure it as a WiFi repeater. To my surprising, there's no WiFi network being broadcasted as VolkswagenXXXXX that is written on the card that provides router/WiFi details.
I see the green power light is on on the router and I gave it enough time to fully boot after powering it on.
Any ideas?
I recently became an owner of a used (MY23) GrandCali and today I started 4G router for the first time to see if I can configure it as a WiFi repeater. To my surprising, there's no WiFi network being broadcasted as VolkswagenXXXXX that is written on the card that provides router/WiFi details.
I see the green power light is on on the router and I gave it enough time to fully boot after powering it on.
Any ideas?
Have you inserted a SIM card .
Do you have to install a SIM card to connect to have the router start up WiFi even without mobile connectivity?
As mentioned, I was looking to set it up as a repeater.

VW California Club
