


T5 SE 180 4Motion
Can anybody help please. We picked up our California on Friday. We had the in car wifi fitted as standard and I'm having trouble setting it up.
The dealership gave me the manual but it is about as clear as mud for a non techy person.
It's the wifi2 pro version and it's from Germany .
I've switched it on, got my ipad and iphone to recognise it and have synced it with both by entering the password given to us from Volkswagen.
I bought a SIM card from EE , I have rang them and it has been activated but when I try and open up anything on either my phone or ipad it says internet has not been connected.
The woman at EE says I may need to enter new APN settings which she has given me but I can't find anywhere to input these.
In the owners manual on page 251 it says
After a new SIM card has been entered the WLAN router must be configured. The configuration interface of the WLAN router is accessed via the web browser of the connected terminal device.
Enter the address http:/
The PIN number of the SIM card must be entered and saved.
How can I do this when I can't open the internet as ipad says not connected to the internet.
There is no port in the router to connect a cable ,
Is there anybody who might be able to help!!!! I've been trying for three hours .
Not sure, but the will be local, as in it'll be connecting directly to the unit not the internet
If you've paired your iPad to the the router you should be able to enter http:/ into safari & that connects you "into" to the router as a local device so you can then change the APN settings. You do need to be paired via wifi for it to work.
If you've paired your iPad to the the router you should be able to enter http:/ into safari & that connects you "into" to the router as a local device so you can then change the APN settings. You do need to be paired via wifi for it to work.
If you've paired your iPad to the the router you should be able to enter http:/ into safari & that connects you "into" to the router as a local device so you can then change the APN settings. You do need to be paired via wifi for it to work.
Hi, Andy
Thanks for your help.
I've paired my ipad with the router and it is showing a wifi connection but I cannot open my safari browser as it says you are not connected to the internet.
I have inserted the SIM card from EE into the router.
When you go to Safari it should open up a page a bit like the below one but the iPad equivalent (this one is for a Mac but the principle is the same).

If it does then you type http:/ into the address bar where it says http://miguelb.com/ in the below picture.

If you do not get a window like the below can you tell us what you are seeing?

Also, there should be two forward slashes after the http: not just one.
When you go to Safari it should open up a page a bit like the below one but the iPad equivalent (this one is for a Mac but the principle is the same).

If it does then you type http:/ into the address bar where it says http://miguelb.com/ in the below picture.

If you do not get a window like the below can you tell us what you are seeing?

View attachment 9338
Tommy, you are a miracle worker, just been out again to try what you have said and miraculously it worked. I think it was because EE had not activated the SIM card!!! Thank-you all for your moral support, at least I know there are folks out there who are here to help.
We love our van and can't wait to go away next week
No problem at all, glad it's up and working! If you have any other problems just have a search of the forum, you'd be pretty unlucky to come across a problem which hasn't been raised previously and there are loads of people on the forum willing to help.

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