WIng mirror confusion



T5 SE 180
Newbie and possible stupid question: How do I get my wing mirrors to fold in? There is no obvious switch just the standard adjuster and heater control. I tried to hold the lock button on the remote but that did nothing. However tonight I went around to the passenger door and pushed the unlock button and the wing mirror on that side folded itself up and doesn't seem to want to unfold! Have I missed something or some secret combination of button pushes? It's a 2010 180bhp SE with no extras, not even rear sensors!
Keep turning the knob past the adjustment setting. (So 12oclock)
Thank you that seems to have sorted it out! I still have no idea why it happened or how to make it happen on purpose!
You need ignition on ,or to have been on recently or they don't fold on the switch.
With a bit of coaxing the drivers door mirror which wouldn't move at all now goes up and down on command (ignition really helped, thanks Flying Banana!). However the passenger side moves very jerkily and will only fold with help from the start and throughout, which is a challenge for long arms! Are there any suggestions on lubricating the motor or do I have to go back to the dealer on this one?
With a bit of coaxing the drivers door mirror which wouldn't move at all now goes up and down on command (ignition really helped, thanks Flying Banana!). However the passenger side moves very jerkily and will only fold with help from the start and throughout, which is a challenge for long arms! Are there any suggestions on lubricating the motor or do I have to go back to the dealer on this one?
Squirt some Silicone spray behind the mirror and just keep using it.
Now to find what I did with the silicon spray which I will also try on the front door hinges which have started to creak a bit! It's magic stuff that has already helped the sliding windows which were really stiff!
Front doors creaking and not closing smoothly:

open the door look at the hinge area, you will see a scalloped piece of metal, that allows the door to be opened (held) at progressive points, the scallop section runs on a metal barrel to control the friction and prevent the door from swinging open.

The barrel can seize (do seize) , they need to be freed up periodically.
1) If you're lucky WD40, sprayed around the top of the barrel, open and close the door to its full extent several times (lots) wipe up excess with cloth / tissue etc.

2) Now try and feel the barrel rotating as the door is opened and closed. The scallop section makes the barrel rotate, when works properly. (Place a finger on the side of the barrel feeling for the Rotation. (Can check visually as well but it's easier to feel)

3) If the Barrel does not rotate freely on the scallop, when opening and closing, repeat 1 & 2 (several times)

4 if the barrel remains seized after repeating, get a pair of Mole grips or sthilsons, grip the barrel with the tips of the grips, (without damaging the barrel surface) with your other had open and close the door whilst wiggling (slightly rotating) the barrel.
The barrel should start to move,
repeat 1,2&4 as necessary.
The barrel will free up eventually.

When the barrel rotates smoothly, proportionally with the scallop shape , add some light oil to the top cap area and allow to work into by opening / closing the door. (Repeat several times, wiping away any excess.

Apply some light oil to the two vertical posts protruding vertically from the hinge , allow to work in & repeat.

Your door should be squeak free and open / close smoothly with a reassuring clunk when closing.
Newbie and possible stupid question: How do I get my wing mirrors to fold in? There is no obvious switch just the standard adjuster and heater control. I tried to hold the lock button on the remote but that did nothing. However tonight I went around to the passenger door and pushed the unlock button and the wing mirror on that side folded itself up and doesn't seem to want to unfold! Have I missed something or some secret combination of button pushes? It's a 2010 180bhp SE with no extras, not even rear sensors!
Not a Cali but same principle

Personally I would use copper spray

VW California Club
