Mosquito nets



I am a magnet for midges and mosquitos! I wondered if anyone is using the side door mosquito nets on their cali? I have seen a Brandrup FLYOUT VW T5 net but seems a bit pricey (£144.95) so wanted to know what people thought?!

http://+++++++++++++++++++++++/product. ... 401&cat=24
Mcdee said:
I am a magnet for midges and mosquitos! I wondered if anyone is using the side door mosquito nets on their cali? I have seen a Brandrup FLYOUT VW T5 net but seems a bit pricey (£144.95) so wanted to know what people thought?!

http://www.camper van

Hi Mcdee:

I'm also a magnet for the little blighters, bought the net after looking for alternatives and failed, hopeless with a sewing machine, I haven't fitted it yet, sat on my table with me staring at it and thinking for £144.95 there must be something missing from the parcel, absolute rip off, but if it works! I might change my mind, off upto Scotland in the next week or so, I'll report on my return if you can wait that long.

Just ordered a mossie net for the bed. Hoping that combination of a wedge net over the bed plus candles ( romantic) and a plug in will help me keep my sanity and my wallet in check :D
Hi Silverfox- A trip to Scotland in June sounds a real midge challenge - let me know how you go with the nets I'm not rushing to part with anymore Cali cash at the moment! Cheers.
Found a mossie net in TK Maxx (£11 - bargain)
Had a play in the van and can see that it will help in an emergency. Loads of fixing places. Couple of cable ties.
The Brandrup would be better but can't justify the cost and the amount of velcro!!

Sorry the photo is wrong way round, and the sun was out ( for once ) Try turning your head ;)

mossienet1.jpg mossienet2.jpg
That looks interesting Chris.

I'm a walking menu for the little beggars too, really hacks me off. I was a bit slow off the mark last week in France and got myself bitten a few times but for the future I must remember to preload with my usual defence mechanism - Gin & Tonic!! :thumb

Seems to be quite effective at warding them off and quite enjoyable for me too :laugh2

I also take the cheap hay fever tablets you can get from Lidl et al which have Anti Histamine in them.
Please let us know how the mossie net goes- it looks like a good plan.
I'm wondering whether hanging one from the rolled out awning would make a good sitting out space?
Helen's violently allergic to mozzie bites.

We've had a brandrup FlyOut for the past 3 years and personally think its a stunning piece of kit.

Expensive yes... But a perfect fit in the door, so good infant we keep it permanently in place, rolled back nice and tidy... Don't even think about it being there.

There's something to be Sadi for Brandrup Velcro. It comes with two pieces, each perfectly matched to the colour of the trim it attaches to.

It's expensive and a standard mozzie net will do the job, but then there's the hassle of putting it up every night.

In all of our trips, home and abroad never had a mozzie issue.

I'd recommend it, however know it won't be for everyone.


Seems it did the job for some but still not sure if they are worth it as there are cheeper options How did you get on with the fly screens in Scotland 'silverfox'? Did they keep the midges out or did the rain do the job of keeping the midges grounded?!
Mcdee said:
Seems it did the job for some but still not sure if they are worth it as there are cheeper options How did you get on with the fly screens in Scotland 'silverfox'? Did they keep the midges out or did the rain do the job of keeping the midges grounded?!

Hi - sorry about the late reply, didn't go to Scotland, slight detour to the south of France for three weeks,came back yesterday, had to fit the nets there for the flies and worked perfectly, unsure about the mozzies, but after fitting didn't getany more bites, until I put my fingers in my shoe and got stung by a massive bee, that really hurt and I had a bit of a reaction to it, think the nets ridiculously expensive, but it does work and looks ok.

Perfect. Just the sort of detour the Cali was made for!
Is it necessary to mossie-proof the two air vents built into the roof canvas (when the roof's up) and do the little varmits get in through the air intake into the fresh air system and does turning the fan to zero help if they do?
Had mega mozzies on our last night on Mull and a combination of weapons grade spray, citronella candles and the suppled screens worked a treat - not a single bite on me, wife or the kids.
:help :help Hi all! Just bought the side and rear Brandup mozzie screens and looking at the fitting of the velcro it seems quite complicated. Anyone able to tell me how I don't mess it up! Instructions are tiny and

Wait for a warm day. you need the velcro sticky and flexible.
You need two people or four hands.
work out how it will run before you take the backing off.
measure once and fit twice! he he
you may need to trim certain areas to make it fit nicely.
Do I really need to carry a mosquito net? We'll be in Vietnam and Laos for 40 days total, including some tours. It seems that most nets come either with a hook that attaches in the center or with strings at each corner. I am wondering about how useful they will be. - where would the net be placed? Thanks!
Simplydubs (and anyone else with the flyout) - I'm just installing one in the sliding door today. Is the Velcro along the foot step essential do you think? It must get pretty dirty/battered there and as long as I can hang the net I don't think I'll need 100% seal - or would you say I do?

jonesey said:
Simplydubs (and anyone else with the flyout) - I'm just installing one in the sliding door today. Is the Velcro along the foot step essential do you think? It must get pretty dirty/battered there and as long as I can hang the net I don't think I'll need 100% seal - or would you say I do?


I'd say yes... Keeps it tight and tidy. Also makes the zip easier to use.

The trick is to have it a few millimetres down from the edge of the step.

We didn't and it's still clean.

I bought the Brandup ones for the side and rear door from SMG and SMG fitted them for me, they work a treat, currently in the South west of France getting very wet!! The rear one also stops items falling off the back shelf/mattress when you open the rear door tailgate.
DSG 180 2012
I just bought the Brandrup Flyout - I had to wait till my Mrs went out as she was so disgusted at the price, hope I can win her over when we're drinking a glass of wine with the side door wide open, fly free in France this summer :D
Have you tried rubbing a fresh lemon around the top of the windows it worked for me in Italy near Corizio and there's thousands of the bloody things around there
It's a lot cheaper than any of your bought mosie killers and it works

Hi All
Has anyone got any pictures to help me with the fitting instructions, I cant work it out and am scared to death of messing it up - any help really appreciated - The warm day in Norway has arrived and I need to nail it whilst I can :?
I bought a mosquito killing device when I was in Europe. One of those plug in things that gently warms a bottle of insecticide. I think it has the right fitting to go straight into the inverter socket.

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