Mosquito nets

HI just bought the Brsandrup flyout for the back and side sliding door. Instructions are a little sparse,
so just wondering if anyone has any pictures of how you attach the velcro..... i just cannot get my head around where the velcro attaches around the heater that is beside the door. There seems to be a piece of rectangular leather over the netting. So it looks like it will end up covering the heater vents. Any advise will be very much appreciated many thanks richard and family
Plus I have taken a picture for you! I can see my heater vent needs a clean.

Once the net is attached to the Velcro in this position the heater vent is not covered by the net it's well away from it and works fine.

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The Brandup Velcro has special glue which holds much better than ordinary eBay stick on Velcro and is effective at higher temperatures.
It's a faff to apply and you have to wait 2 days before you attach the net to the Velcro on the Cali. If you get it right and follow the instructions not a problem.
HI Isa Brilliant, many thanks, yes now see how it works , the 'leather over the net that I can see, faces out, maybe it is to do with strengthening that corner. Many tks Rich
The velcro taped on to the Cali is probally gonna come loose at some time also...
Always had doubts on that flyscreen from Brandrup alltough most Brandrup items are top quality.
I just bought these:
AH yes prob would have preferred the magnet as feel the Cali is starting to look like a 'Velcro haberdashery' anyway as already purchased the flyouts, will go the velcro route. Many tks for your reply Rich
Midges in Scotland are tiny !!! very tiny...anyone had issues with the Badrup or other equipment ?
Midges in Scotland are tiny !!! very tiny...anyone had issues with the Badrup or other equipment ?
5 weeks in Scotland during July and August: for the van we had super fine screens with velcro that we bought at a Chinese shop for 3 euros, fitted over the window screen and the upper 2 air vents in the pop top, citronella candles, and a fantastic USB rechargeable insect zapper that worked perfectly through the night. Problem solved.
We use these:


Cheap and very effective. Can’t confirm whether they are fully midge proof though - they have a canny habit of getting through some meshes!
Hi Mcdee:

I'm also a magnet for the little blighters, bought the net after looking for alternatives and failed, hopeless with a sewing machine, I haven't fitted it yet, sat on my table with me staring at it and thinking for £144.95 there must be something missing from the parcel, absolute rip off, but if it works! I might change my mind, off upto Scotland in the next week or so, I'll report on my return if you can wait that long.

There’s a difference in size between mozzies and midges. Midges, especially the tenacious Scottish types, can get through the normal size mosquito sized mesh. I can’t remember the actual mesh gauges but I’m sure you could find out ont tinterweb.

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