What happened to the thread on dealer discount



Aberdeen, Scotland
T6 Ocean 204
This was really useful to me, I printed it off and acheived a significantly better discount with the information. My friend is about to order a new T6 and was looking for it but couldnt find it - can anyone point me in the right directions?

Damn it :(

Quick on the draw there Kev :shocked
i see a good chat but can't see the poll with showing responses vs discount.... am I missing it somewhere in the thread
This was really useful to me, I printed it off and acheived a significantly better discount with the information. My friend is about to order a new T6 and was looking for it but couldnt find it - can anyone point me in the right directions?


It will be very interesting if there are any discounts to be had. I was told that discounts at my local dealer would be none existent. They have had three that people have walked in and paid full price for the model in the show room.
It's all a big con anyway. The Dealer got what he originally wanted for the vehicle, preserving his profit margin and you feel you got one over the Dealer. Everyone is happy.
Maybe you should become a broker. That dealer clearly needed the sales.
Guy at preston is my dealer. A fair few have bought from him in here (even those who live hundreds of miles away). He's pretty no nonsense and no patter. Didn't have to work hard to get the discount. He told me what he could do and it was the best deal I could find anywhere. Was a pleasure doing business with him. I'm sure others will testify similarly.
I couldn't agree more with @daveyboydanger - I had the same great experience. And, I can confirm that I surpassed that 8% with little negotiation required. (in Jan 2016)

Agree .
We got over 8.2% discount by phoning round several dealers. Offered between 4% to 8.2%.
With the £750 contribution towards the deposit from VW finance( which we paid off in full with only small interest payment soon after delivery). The discount was
9.6%.( January 2016)
Maybe a con but we were happy. The best deal enabled us to ordered Adaptive Cruise .
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I couldn't agree more with @daveyboydanger - I had the same great experience. And, I can confirm that I surpassed that 8% with little negotiation required. (in Jan 2016)

The key to this is the timeframe Jan-May discounts could be had.. Just after we ordered I was told that the holiday period is over. Currently demand is greater than supply, so some people are paying full price. I would guess if you go to order tomorrow you'd be hard pressed to get any discount.
The key to this is the timeframe Jan-May discounts could be had.. Just after we ordered I was told that the holiday period is over. Currently demand is greater than supply, so some people are paying full price. I would guess if you go to order tomorrow you'd be hard pressed to get any discount.
I ordered one in August (first day of orders being taken) and another (longish story) about a month ago. I don't think that Guy was planning to suddenly stop the way he does business.
other dealers may have special windows of discount I suppose but doesn't seem to be the case at preston. Guy wants to shift vans so is happy to discount all year round. His approach seems to work very well for him!

We did the same as you @calimera and got the dep contribution too. That took the discount higher. I also specced devonport alloys through eBay rather than VW. Saved me £750 too.
I can confirm that I surpassed that 8% with little negotiation required. (in Jan 2016)
Same for me, also ordered in Jan. Did the deal on the last working day of the month, which can help as dealers sometimes have monthly sales targets to hit.
Why buy champagne for lemonade prices? It is what it is. I certainly don't get 8% off my smart price beans in Asda. But were all different.
I guess I'm happy to get a deal, my time I way more valuable than trawling every vw cv site to secure the cheapest deal.
I'm of the opinion cheapest is never best.
Same for me, also ordered in Jan. Did the deal on the last working day of the month, which can help as dealers sometimes have monthly sales targets to hit.
Only once an order is delivered does that apply. A future order can drop anywhere.

I would not complain if I popped into my local VW dealer, priced a vehicle, spent a couple of minutes discussing terms and walked out £4k - £5k better off. That is a lot of champagne.
Why buy champagne for lemonade prices? It is what it is. I certainly don't get 8% off my smart price beans in Asda. But were all different.
I guess I'm happy to get a deal, my time I way more valuable than trawling every vw cv site to secure the cheapest deal.
I'm of the opinion cheapest is never best.
I don't quite get your point. The product is the same (all Heinz beans) all we're talking about is finding the cheapest price for them. And when it's thousands of pounds difference I reckon it's worth a phonecall or two, or a search on drivethedeal or another car broker. Preston happens to be my local dealer and a good one, suppose I'm lucky.
I feel very privileged to have such a nice vehicle but I'm not so rich as to not bother trying to find the best deal. As Welshgas says it's all a bit of a con (or I like to think of it more of a game). I like playing a game if it saves me a bit of money.
I suppose as long as each person is happy (and why wouldn't you be if you get one of these here beautiful vans) then everything is hunky-dory!
no need to spend days at it... I visited 2 dealers, and spent approx 3 hrs on internet research (i.e. this forum and drivethedeal) I asked both dealers to give me their best price. Preston won my business on price but also my faith in their way of doing business. If you pay more than you need to then you're only funding dealer profit, (& therefore indirectly funding other peoples discounts)

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