Liber-t for trip through France to Spain


Mrs Acer

T5 SE 180
We are travelling through France to Spain in December. Is it worth buying the Liber-t tag?
Arguable either way. As I sometimes travel alone wouldn't be without mine. No fussing with cash or cards just sail through, well you do have to slow to 30kph.:D
From my point of view, indispensable. Like WG I am a solo traveller and don't want the hassle of stopping, climbing out, going round to the other side etc...

I also like to use autoroutes if going from A to B so make no attempt to avoid tolls.

If you have loads of time, want to make the most of sightseeing opportunities, have someone sat in the passenger seat and only ever going to use it on the one journey then no, it's probably not worth it.
If there are two of you, I wouldn't bother just have passenger deal with it. Doubt you will encounter any ques in December.
Wouldn't be without one, saves finding cards/cash, waking passenger, passenger moaning that I've stopped too far from the machine etc etc
We bought one last year and my wife was initially against the idea.

On our way to Spain this year she mentioned in passing that she was pleased we had a toll pass, as she said she never liked leaning out of the van window and dealing with the money/cards with a queue building up behind us.

We don't have a Spanish one, yet, but as there are fewer tolls in Spain, that was not an issue this year.

We got one this year for our trip to Brittany, It turned up within 24hrs and made life so much easier at tolls. I'm glad we got it and I see no downside at all.

I would definitely recommend getting one.

VW California Club
