Damaged bellows and canvas whilst roof corrosion being repaired- advice appreciated



T5 SE 140
My Cali went into a garage to get its roof corrosion repaired. When it came back the work on the corrosion seemed fine but on inspection to the canvas a couple of days later it was clear damage had been done. They clearly didn’t lower the roof with a door or window open as the front bellow and one side bellow were seriously folded up were they weren’t meant to be. There was also a hole in the canvas. The garage also kindly left behind a cutting blade in my bonnet.

1. I informed the vw commercial van centre I had taken the van too but they say they are not liable as they didn’t do the work. 2. VW got another VW approved garage to do the work. The garage say that they didn’t do the damage. 3. VW commercial vehicles customer care say “they were not present for the repair, unfortunately we are not in a position to accept liability for any damages caused.” They suggest i pursue the company they got to do the repair and if that goes nowhere contact the motor ombudsman.

One very dissatisfied VW customer.

I have put up pictures of the effected areas.

Any advice appreciated?








I am sure VW uk paid for repair and must hold the responsibility for poor work undertaken for them. The repair was undertaken for VW by a body shop was appointed by them not you. The repair was to of an acceptable standard. (The old repair method of work which we had on our T5 in 2014 included a new bellows !!! ) I would tell VW if they will not sort it I will get new bellows fitted and will not mess about "see you in the small claims court" if they will not pay for the damage - but can you prove the bellows were ok when you handed over your van. The areas you are pointing too do not seem the usual areas that get damaged by user error in normal use.
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I feel very let down by VW. I was delighted they agreed to carry out the repair but I agree that they should take responsibility since they chose to send the vehicle for repair to a body shop. Although it is an approved VW bodyshop it’s still a private company but I guess they all are even the commercial van centres.

That’s interesting to know that the bellows use to get replaced.

I didn’t take photos prior to sending the van in and the bodyshop has never produced any evidence of their own. Other than saying it could not possibly be us and the van went out in working order.

Obviously i know this area where the damage was done very well and I would like to hope they take my word. Isn’t that good customer service? As soon as I started opening the pop up the mess of the bellows was very evident

I’ll need to speak to the motor ombudsman and also get advice on the small claims court. Waiting for an email from the manager of the body shop before it take these next steps.

I wonder how well trained these designated body shop working on roof corrosion are on the specifics of managing Cali’s. I don’t get the impression they get much if anything on dealing with sensitive areas such as canvas pop up.
As soon as I started opening the pop up the mess of the bellows was very evident
I know what you mean one knows every mark on our own Cali.
The dealer acts as an intermediary between VWCV and the body shop. I would have thought that your contract was with VW, not the dealer or the body shop. When mine went in I had no contact whatsoever with the body shop and the dealer did not check the repair on either occasion when it came back. My first repair went wrong, although admittedly it wasn't new damage, so I went back to VWCV who sorted it out by contacting the dealer. The dealer then arranged for it to be taken back in.
For the first repair the bellows were replaced even though the original ones were unmarked. I was told that they were damaged during the repair and that this was quite common as it was very difficult to re-fit them. For the second repair, which was completed satisfactorily, I'm not sure if they were replaced a second time as they were almost brand new and I couldn't tell.
On both occasions I took photos before I took it in but, even if you didn't, I think you've got a strong case and you should be going back to VWCV. Get a case reference number, put everything in writing, mention your solicitor and the small claims court.
Hi Leighton,
Likewise, I never had contact with the bodyshop until I noticed the damage. Thanks very much for your advice and wish I had posted here earlier as it’s been a weight on me for a few months.

I have a case reference number and a specific person to get back to.


I know it's too late for you but I take multiple date stamped images before my Cali goes in for any work, even servicing as it will always be your word against theirs
Mine come back with a similar issue on the front of the bellows.
I immediately took pictures and got in touch with VWCS. They have arranged for the vehicle to be collected New Year and for the garage to rectify the issue.

I have no idea how that fold will be fixed, other than a complete new canvas...?
I also have some white residue/glue type substance on the outside of the vehicle roof, which i have also reported.

I was told by VWCS that the garage completes a survey of the vehicle before any work is carried out. Therefore providing the damage wasn't there pre-repair. I must accept liability.
Marks on exterior

Canvas issue

Sorry to hear you had a similar experience.

Are VWCS accepting liability and getting it repaired free of charge?

Take plenty of pics before it goes in!
it's not so good ..... in my part if someone makes you a so-so, makes a bad end ...
Mine come back with a similar issue on the front of the bellows.
I immediately took pictures and got in touch with VWCS. They have arranged for the vehicle to be collected New Year and for the garage to rectify the issue.

I have no idea how that fold will be fixed, other than a complete new canvas...?
I also have some white residue/glue type substance on the outside of the vehicle roof, which i have also reported.

I was told by VWCS that the garage completes a survey of the vehicle before any work is carried out. Therefore providing the damage wasn't there pre-repair. I must accept liability.
Have you asked for a copy of the survey and their photographic evidence that the damage was already there? Their quality control is not up to scratch if they can despatch a vehcle with glue reside so did they really check anything?
Sorry to hear you had a similar experience.

Are VWCS accepting liability and getting it repaired free of charge?

Take plenty of pics before it goes in!

I wouldn’t say they are accepting responsibility. However, they have arranged for the body shop to take the vehicle back and rectify.
They wouldn’t do anything with the claim until they checked a few things out. Considering they came back with this resolution, I would imagine they accept my complaint.

I am not too happy my van is going back to Kent, to have the work done. But I need to give them an opportunity to rectify. I have told VWCS if it’s not returned how I expect it, I will be following up with court action...
Have you asked for a copy of the survey and their photographic evidence that the damage was already there? Their quality control is not up to scratch if they can despatch a vehcle with glue reside so did they really check anything?

To be fair Rich, they aren’t saying it wasn’t caused by the body shop who did the work.
Therefore they are arranging to have it back. So I will see what happens
Mine went into the dealer at the end of September and while in their 'care' the canvas got damaged and roof creased. I reported it to both the dealer and VWCS on discovery. After much chasing and a letter to the dealership MD the dealers are going to fix it as a gesture of good will next week. They will not except liability but it's getting fixed at their cost. Just don't let it go and be prepared to chase hard and write letters.
My Cali went into a garage to get its roof corrosion repaired. When it came back the work on the corrosion seemed fine but on inspection to the canvas a couple of days later it was clear damage had been done. They clearly didn’t lower the roof with a door or window open as the front bellow and one side bellow were seriously folded up were they weren’t meant to be. There was also a hole in the canvas. The garage also kindly left behind a cutting blade in my bonnet.

1. I informed the vw commercial van centre I had taken the van too but they say they are not liable as they didn’t do the work. 2. VW got another VW approved garage to do the work. The garage say that they didn’t do the damage. 3. VW commercial vehicles customer care say “they were not present for the repair, unfortunately we are not in a position to accept liability for any damages caused.” They suggest i pursue the company they got to do the repair and if that goes nowhere contact the motor ombudsman.

One very dissatisfied VW customer.

I have put up pictures of the effected areas.

Any advice appreciated?


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I had a similar problem last year. I put my California T5 into Lookers Glasgow for minor warranty work and they managed to damage the bellows while closing the roof in their garage. They did replace the bellows but refused to replace the damaged roof. The roof started to let water in and damaged the headcloth. I had to write to Lookers CEO before finally getting the roof and headcloth replaced about a year after the initial damage. I just wish I had contacted the top man earlier. Good luck!
David, did Lookers confess to causing the damage or did you have to battle it out with them? Do you have the CEO’s contact details?

How did them manage to replace just the bellows? I’ve not put my roof up since to look at as I don’t want to cause more damage.
Strange you both had similar unusual damage. Sorry to hear. Same body shop? Got me thinking with all the threads on the roof corrosion is there an easy to find list of good and not so good bodyshops based on repairs done. Maybe worth a poll of some sort. Mine will be in for a 3rd time soon....
Think it’s a combination of poor workmanship as well as the bodyshops not getting appropriate training on how to manage the pop ups.
David, did Lookers confess to causing the damage or did you have to battle it out with them? Do you have the CEO’s contact details?

How did them manage to replace just the bellows? I’ve not put my roof up since to look at as I don’t want to cause more damage.
They did eventually, but only after months of arguing. I contacted Lookers’ CEO at AndyBruce@lookers.co.uk
I assume it was a Lookers garage that botched your repair. It wouldn’t be the Glasgow dealership by any chance?
Sure was David. Van went from Edinburgh VC to Lookers Audi in Glasgow. Thanks for the contact
Sure was David. Van went from Edinburgh VC to Lookers Audi in Glasgow. Thanks for the contact
They obviously haven’t learned from their mistake with mine. Just make sure they haven’t twisted the roof when it snagged the bellows as it will just let water in. If it has been twisted, insist on a replacement. They attempted a botch repair on my roof, then it started leaking. I hope you manage to get it sorted.
They obviously haven’t learned from their mistake with mine. Just make sure they haven’t twisted the roof when it snagged the bellows as it will just let water in. If it has been twisted, insist on a replacement. They attempted a botch repair on my roof, then it started leaking. I hope you manage to get it sorted.
It might be useful to have a printed/laminated page that describes the correct procedure when raising/lowering the roof. This document to be taped under the control panel when the vehicle is left with the dealer/body shop.
At least the chaps actually doing the work would have a clue.
There was a printed sheet of roof operation instructions in the glovebox at the time the damage was done. The unfortunate thing is that they don't seem to be learning from their mistakes, even although their CEO is personally aware of the problem with this particular dealership.
David, the roof looks even to me when down. Perhaps got away with that aspect as it was the front bellows that’s got damaged. I assume if it’s the side back bellows by the legs then they are more likely to damage the roof.

Was you’re van at the Lookers Audi bodyshop also?

The cut is just poor workmanship and they worker must have known they did it. The bent bellows just shouldn’t happen and i suspect it’s a lack of procedures and checks in place. Perhaps I’m too harsh and it was just a mistake and someone forgot to open door/window. Something I suspect they weren’t aware of as bellows were in a right mess when I opened it up. Making me think it was when it was last put down.

Do you mind me identifying that I know this has not been the first time? When did the work get carried out on your Cali?

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