Best Portable TV/DVD player with 240/12V



T6 Beach 150
I am looking to buy a small portable TV to keep in the van as we like playing DVD box sets on colder evenings and being able to watch the News on TV. I have been looking on Amazon and its getting a bit confusing with a lot of the cheaper ones being old models etc.

In our previous large Motorhomes we have had 18 & 16" Avtex which are brilliant but too big for the Cali. I am thinking of between 10" and 14" as ideal.

Any ideas suggestions appreciated.

PS: No need to post "Why do you want TV" etc :)
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PS: No need to post "Why do you want TV" etc :)


Sorry , could not resist.

Lots of other posts on the forum already on tv,dvd,brackets,satelite dish,internet tv,...

For us a no go ....
OK looks like it will be the
Avtex L168DRS 16" TV/DVD 12V, 24V, 240V
we use the Avetx 16" in our vehicle with the Gallant lift off TV bracket which they sell in the forum shop works really well. :thumb
^ i thought that was the view out of the side window
^ i thought that was the view out of the side window

Well...... Now you say that...... I live in Belfast, beside the Titanic Studios, where Season 8 filming is currently in full-throttle.....

Huge sets have been erected, just across from our place..... And some recent activity has been visible:

See below links:^tfw&ref_url=

Perhaps, I might catch a glimpse of something one day!! :)
If we had eight dashcams and sufficient storage, we could record the view from each of our windows, then on our return project the images onto the eight windows to relive our journey while saving on diesel.

Follow my blog:

Perhaps, in the future..... When combustable fuels, and even batteries have been outlawed.... This may be the best "California Touring" experience we will get..... Maybe some augmented reality thrown in.....

They'll need some travellers to collect the initial data...... I need this job :)
I guess I could try it via Amazon and return if not happy. I have Virgin TV Go TV can you connect an android phone and screen it via the projector?
I guess I could try it via Amazon and return if not happy. I have Virgin TV Go TV can you connect an android phone and screen it via the projector?

We've used SkyGo, via MacBook..... Plus Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer etc etc.... No problems so far. So, assume would be the same for you with Virgin & Android.
We use a 10" iPad. Where data is available we use the Virgin anywhere package, where no data available or too slow we use an eyeTV digital tuner for free to air digital stations.

Size is big enough in the van, but small enough to put away in a seat pocket.

Also doubles up as an iPad when not being used as a TV:D

If you are feeling rich they now do a 12.9" iPad pro.
We use a 10" iPad. Where data is available we use the Virgin anywhere package, where no data available or too slow we use an eyeTV digital tuner for free to air digital stations.

Size is big enough in the van, but small enough to put away in a seat pocket.

Also doubles up as an iPad when not being used as a TV:D

If you are feeling rich they now do a 12.9" iPad pro.

Snap. Exactly the same. Fine for the very occasional use with a handy holder for it on the back of the drivers seat headrest. Works a treat as we don’t tend to swivel the drivers seat.

Brandrup drivers seat storage pockets for all the gizmos and wires we seem to need.

Sound from the UE boom Bluetooth speaker.


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I am looking to buy a small portable TV to keep in the van as we like playing DVD box sets on colder evenings and being able to watch the News on TV. I have been looking on Amazon and its getting a bit confusing with a lot of the cheaper ones being old models etc.

In our previous large Motorhomes we have had 18 & 16" Avtex which are brilliant but too big for the Cali. I am thinking of between 10" and 14" as ideal.

Any ideas suggestions appreciated.

PS: No need to post "Why do you want TV" etc :)

iPad Pro 12.9 in and Bluetooth sound . Netflix , BBC iplayer etc .
Amazon reviews are stating that the eyeTV digital tune is not working with IOS11 & that the manufacturer is not responding. Has anyone tried it with IOS11, or is there an alternative.
iPad Pro 12.9 in and Bluetooth sound . Netflix , BBC iplayer etc .
We use an old stock new 12 1/2" Dell Latitude lap top, still has a DVD player so can play films we pick up in second hand shops or access IPlayer and the rest of internet. It does not need a support and fits into a very neat bag.

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