Accessories For Sale or Wanted

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We have been listening to all of the feedback on the accessories for sale section about non vip's being able to reply to adds or even place them so we have designed a new section where vip.s can post adds for free and non vip's can place an add for a small fee. It will also remove the ability to comment on peoples adds.
i have created a step by step guide to placing an add.
placing an add. There is a link on the side of the forum under useful links Called used accessories
click that will bring up this page

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click on place add and this page should appear

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click select catagory ie either For sale or wanted then click continue

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now fill out your details like add title etc you must fill in all fields even if your add is a wanted one under price put 0.00 answer the sum then click continue

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this page should be next put in the description then click continue

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add your pictures next . if its a wanted add just click preview add

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then its the payment page if you are a vip put the code in the coupon box and click apply that should be it .if you need to pay click on the continue button this will take you to the final payment page

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I may be a bit of a technophobe but please can you tell me where to find the two ads I placed earlier today? Thanks - do I need to redo them?
yes im afraid you will have to sorry about that we couldnt save any when we changed it over . its easy enough.
Is it possible to list an ad without posting your phone number?
Yes just put in a few 00000 your email will be there but not visible to anyone even when the click contact seller
Just a reminder, anyone who had an existing accessory advert listed before we changed over to using the new classified plugin I am afraid you will need to list your advert again on the new page please. ... sorry

As mentioned by Kev this will hopefully resolve previous problems we had with non VIP's not being able to contact sellers and also people posting unhelpful replies to adverts.
Any feedback from people using the new service is very welcome :thanks
Thank you for sorting the issue for non VIPs be able to reply to adverts.
We had decided quite a while before the last lot of posts about it but hadn’t got round to it. I hope it works better for everyone:thumb
I'm trying to post some items, but keep getting this error on the category field...

Screenshot 2018-04-08 17.31.12.png
please try now should all be fixed
Forgot to say, all sorted thanks. :thumb

One thing I do find with the new system, is that the classified listings aren't anywhere near as obvious as they used to be? I mostly use the forum on the "Recent Posts" view, where classifieds used to appear (as they were a normal forum post), but this doesn't happen anymore. Also maybe there needs to be a link into the new classifieds section from the top menu (it isn't accessible from the "Calis for sale" section either)? Just a few things I'd noticed after using the old/new systems. :)
I might be mistaken but on the old system you were able to follow the thread and when something was advertised, by watching the thread, you got a notification that someone had posted an advert - which I found really useful. I can't see this on the new system - am I missing it or doesn't it exist now? If not is it possible to add it to the new system please?
im afraid the new system is done through woocommerce and completely separate from the forum
if you are looking for something you will need to keep checking
what are you finding complicated? i find this much easier to view the old system sometimes the add got lost with all the comments people kept making this way it is kept clean and fair
I agree it’s a retrograde step. I’ll be all right because I’m tight and motivated enough and will leave a browser window open just on that page, but I reckon the ads in their new location will get 30% of the views that they used to get when they popped up in my ‘new posts’ feed.

If it has to be ‘elsewhere’ then it at least needs a quick link to it from the top menu instead of having to hit forums then search around a very complicated page to find the accessories for sale link.
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