Funky table between the front seats

Re: Funky table between the frobt seats

I have seen these before in peoples Caravelles, not sure how it is secured to the floor though?
Re: Funky table between the frobt seats

Seen them in caravelle in dealer showroom. Not seen in a Cali though.
Looks to me like it is secured via the floor rails.
Looks cool - although I have only just found out that I can clip the larger picnic table to the sink/cooker unit and use it as a large inside table - perfect for all 4 of us to sit round. Clever Cali - is their nothing it can't do?!
It is a standard Caravelle fitted item.
The table is fitted using the floor rails.
The sides hinge down leaving the thin rectanle of the top when 'stored'. To open it, you lift the two leaf sides and the rotate the table top through 90°.
It's a pop up Caravelle or Multivan table... Cracking piece of kit and fits to the floor rails.

Unfortunately the rails have a different spacing on the California.

Has anyone tried one of these between the seats ona Cali.... They look superb??
Has anyone tried one of these between the seats ona Cali.... They look superb??
It won't fit a Cali, the Caravelles have additional floor rails at a different spacing to the ones fitted to Calis.
Looks cool - although I have only just found out that I can clip the larger picnic table to the sink/cooker unit and use it as a large inside table - perfect for all 4 of us to sit round. Clever Cali - is their nothing it can't do?!

You can? How do you "clip" it?
OK I didnt think it would clip in but wondered if it would fit in between the front seats? If it would may take a risk and see what it was like just sat on top of the carpet... Possibly modify it? But seems like no one tried it?

VW California Club
