RidgeMonkey non-stick coating - is it durable?



VIP Member
T5 SE 180
Hi all - we’re thinking about getting the new “connect xl” version - the one without the separate sections in one of the halves so we can do proper toasties. We’ve seen a few references elsewhere on the internet to the non-stick coating coming off quite early on - just wondered if this was an issue for people on this forum?

Thanks in anticipation!
Hi all - we’re thinking about getting the new “connect xl” version - the one without the separate sections in one of the halves so we can do proper toasties. We’ve seen a few references elsewhere on the internet to the non-stick coating coming off quite early on - just wondered if this was an issue for people on this forum?

Thanks in anticipation!
I have the small one and use it every morning when in the van. So far the non stick is still intact but it's only used for dry toast and cleaned carefully. The bread does sometimes stick around the crust. I still reckon they are the best option for toast.
Hi Arun
I've been looking for a way of making toast. Do you literally just put the bread in dry, close lid, leave on stove and it comes out toasted?
With mine I have to use a small loaf. 2 dry slices in the monkey, turn frequently and turn the slices until toasted. Remove and let "air" to crisp. As it warms up you do need to turn the heat down and watch you don't burn the toast.
Thanks for the reply Alec - I’ll take a chance on it!
I use mine regularly in the kitchen & it's been fine. It says not to heat it too hot in the instructions.
Thanks for that reassurance Jay - it’s ordered from the club shop so I’ll see for myself! I’ll keep the temperature down.

VW California Club
