T6 side fly screens



VIP Member
Hastings East Sussex
T6 Ocean 204
This may seem a silly question I have two screens for the slide windows can I ask are you able to leave these screens in place and just lock the windows don't seem to be able to do this and lock the windows for security or am I doing something wrong I must say it would be convenient to leave them in place and one less thing to stow
I don't think VW would expect you to remove every time
thanks for your help
i picked mine up with them yesterday and he said you couldn't close the windows with them in. pretty lame really!
You can close the windows without fully removing them.

I just slide them over the opposite window then close.I find the tabs sit behind the trim which stops them falling out.
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You learn something every day. Thanks..
Very good video but yes you can shut the window but if you drive 50 yard's down the road they fall out both sides poor design
You can't close the window with the screens in place, so the salesman was right. You can slide them back, but they will never stay in place while driving. Or the thing is, you have another rattle in your California, that is always so quiet (NOT).
I just put it (I only have 1 sliding window) under the back mattress, so I can reach it any time without too much effort. The only effort you will have, is to close the bootlid, preferably with the back of the van in 25 - 30 °C. or more, and the 2 chairs removed.
You can close the windows without fully removing them.

I just slide them over the opposite window then close.I find the tabs sit behind the trim which stops them falling out.

Thanks for this and I’ve found the same works in our 2020 T6.0 California Ocean. The two windows are slightly different sizes but the fly screens slot behind the trim on both with the window locked closed and, most importantly, don’t rattle whilst driving





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