Advice re solar please ! I have checked the search function prior to posting and got some useful info but need to be a bit more specific - sorry if I’ve missed a post that answers my question
I’m looking at getting a portable solar panel or suitcase panel. I don’t really want to be tied to using a semi permanent or Permanent solution of a panel on the van roof ( as much as I like the look of them ) as I want the panel for other uses too ( tent camping) and to maximise the roof’s weight for a roofbox.
Does any body else do this?
So the panels that I have seen come with the panel and a controller. However What is the best process for connecting the panel charger to the Cali leisure battery? Is it simply a case of opening the rear battery locker and hooking up via croc clips off the panel controller to the rear leisure battery or is there a more elegant/ safer/ easier solution? If I connect to one leisure battery , will it indirectly charge both in series or parallel? Can they be overcharged ( danger?), can I indirectly damage anything?
Also what would be the minimum output panel I would require to keep the Cali topped up for “ off grid “ ? I appreciate that is a “ piece of string” question, but I’m looking at trickle charging to keep the fridge going , lights at night, perhaps daily iPhone charging for festivals or several days off grid- nothing too heavy
Please go easy - I’m desperately wracking my brains to remember 1990 GCSE physics to recall watts and v over r or something etc !
I’m looking at getting a portable solar panel or suitcase panel. I don’t really want to be tied to using a semi permanent or Permanent solution of a panel on the van roof ( as much as I like the look of them ) as I want the panel for other uses too ( tent camping) and to maximise the roof’s weight for a roofbox.
Does any body else do this?
So the panels that I have seen come with the panel and a controller. However What is the best process for connecting the panel charger to the Cali leisure battery? Is it simply a case of opening the rear battery locker and hooking up via croc clips off the panel controller to the rear leisure battery or is there a more elegant/ safer/ easier solution? If I connect to one leisure battery , will it indirectly charge both in series or parallel? Can they be overcharged ( danger?), can I indirectly damage anything?
Also what would be the minimum output panel I would require to keep the Cali topped up for “ off grid “ ? I appreciate that is a “ piece of string” question, but I’m looking at trickle charging to keep the fridge going , lights at night, perhaps daily iPhone charging for festivals or several days off grid- nothing too heavy
Please go easy - I’m desperately wracking my brains to remember 1990 GCSE physics to recall watts and v over r or something etc !