Just booked a campsite we stay at each year in October to meet up with family and this year the price has gone up to £80 for for two nights, whereas last year it was just £58. Are campsites going to profiteer on knowing people want to camp instead of go overseas? I realise they had a bad start to the season but this has left quite a nasty taste in my mouth
If we are lucky, many campsites may survive, if not who knows, the tourism industry has the biggest mauling ever, great weather no customers, fixed overheads remain = revised cost = price increases.
Only the market will determine If these businesses survive, the market will decide what is acceptable pricing or not
Campsites are a business with significant overheads, some seasonal, most fixed.
I personally will be supporting as many of these business as is possible and practical going forward as the recent and current situation has the ability to decimate the camping industry and a way of life.
The new reality for most businesses will be survive, reassess and I have no doubt recoup as much as they can in the short term before the real cost of this pandemic is realised, only then will goods and services become less expensive.
Fortunately there has been an increase in interest in camping in all formats, I prey that this will be sufficient to see many of the campsite through to a “normal season” possibly next year, if not we may be paying far higher prices for the limited surviving businesses.
As I have been known to say to my Fam, Use it or lose it !
( I’m not suggesting you over pay though)