Have i been duped

never heard of the travelling togs. good luck to a bus and beyond though i also don't see why 1 kid and a dog is the issue. it's 1 kid really as they always had the dog. i reckon grand cali 680 sponsored by some one is the way those guys are heading so should still be interesting. i couldn't be arsed to do that blog stuff that they do so well. i'll have to have a look at the travelling togs just to see what thats about

A 680 would be only a short term solution - there's only beds for 2. but probably room for a cot as well. Having said that, you wouldn't put a baby in the roof of a 600
A 680 would be only a short term solution - there's only beds for 2. but probably room for a cot as well. Having said that, you wouldn't put a baby in the roof of a 600
i think thats what i meant. i keep mixing up the 2 grand calis. i keep thinking they are both sh1te
I actually quite fancy a GC600 in ice cream van livery. As well as a proper cali, not instead of. I don't know why! & I havn't been drinking....

A proper cali suits us, transport to Spanish villa for the summer, long weekends camping, university removal van & mobile office when needed in the week as well as being the replacement for a car. I cant see A GC being any good at 4 out of those 5 things.

Having said that Ive got a nearly new Morgan and being objective, that is about the worst car in all regards that you could buy new unless the criteria is just to put a smile on your face.
One baby and a dog is doable surely? Didn't know they were selling, another favourite, I'll catch up on their vlogs, I want an explanation
A small dog, maybe, but Bentley the dog is enormous and takes up all of the downstairs area of the Cali in sleeping mode.

Our Cali is perfect for the wife, me and our dog, Rosie, but she’s quite small and can sleep on the front seat (though she creeps onto the downstairs bed during the night).
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Nice kitchen & bathroom.
I wouldn't fancy travelling far on the rear seat, looks like the usual motorhome ones consisting of a sheet of ply with a bit of foam on top. Fine for testing in the showroom, awful once its been sat on for a bit.
Also rear seats out of range for cab aircon / heating conversation etc.
Maybe this.

Omg...that’s not a campervan, that’s a flat on wheels!

Strange but all the storage made me think about how many rattles I’d have to resolve.
You will probably see them changing vans every 12/18 months.
That's what most the Car Influencers on Youtube do.
Gone are the days when you had specialist reviewers who knew the products inside and out.

Its a about fresh content and clickbait...
Omg...that’s not a campervan, that’s a flat on wheels!

Strange but all the storage made me think about how many rattles I’d have to resolve.
That’s what sorts out a VW camper from the rest. And after that review I wouldn’t trust any of their reviews.
That’s what sorts out a VW camper from the rest.
If that’s what they are going for, I hope it solves all their issues with baby and dog in tow. Thinking back to when mine were babies, I can’t see that layout being much more useful than the Cali, as beds are still on different levels and you’d struggle to sit/sleep/change nappies with the drop down bed in the lower position. The main benefit is space for Bentley and the ridiculous amount of baby paraphernalia new parents get sucked in to buying. The hot water/bathroom also has its benefits.

I wish them lots of luck in growing their channel and maybe it will allow them to give up the day jobs and tour full time. Won’t really be up my street any more but I’m sure someone new will come along.
Slightly off topic, but I just noticed the Cali Camper Family Cali is for sale on eBay

For some reason I remembered the reg number from watching their videos.
Slightly off topic, but I just noticed the Cali Camper Family Cali is for sale on eBay

For some reason I remembered the reg number from watching their videos.
Looks like it, but werent they based in Italy, with it on Italian plates?
Looks like it, but werent they based in Italy, with it on Italian plates?
I watched their latest blog that I think was done at the back end of last year where they were bringing their cali back to the UK to sell it, but it was last year I'm sure?
Maybe this.

That van is massive. He seems surprised that there's loads of storage
The Grand looks far more superior. Armrests wrapped in carpet like stuff
could have been better done and that pull down bed looks like something you
could easy roll out of.
The only way i would be so happy promoting that conversion is if i was getting
a massive kickback and i wanted to sell my soul.

Forgot to say,
I'm out, it won't be going on my list.
The only way i would be so happy promoting that conversion is if i was getting
a massive kickback and i wanted to sell my soul
I have to agree. ABAB clearly found an audience and made a success of their channel so fair play, but in my eyes they rode the Cali market for all it was worth, then started comparing everything to the Cali without offering any judgement as to why one was better than the other.
That business model attracted manufacturers to offer their vehicles for 'review', safe in the knowledge that nothing negative would be said about their product.
So their videos have basically been adverts for the vans they feature, with the viewers left to draw their own conclusions and stumble across any pitfalls they failed to point out.

They've worked hard and have deserved their success, but anyone thinking they are watching a 'review' should exercise caution.

(using the Cali brand to garner views is a good idea.... That crappy video I made [just for here] showing how to use an ikea lid as a cutlery drawer tray, has had 27,000 views!)
I have to agree. ABAB clearly found an audience and made a success of their channel so fair play, but in my eyes they rode the Cali market for all it was worth, then started comparing everything to the Cali without offering any judgement as to why one was better than the other.
That business model attracted manufacturers to offer their vehicles for 'review', safe in the knowledge that nothing negative would be said about their product.
So their videos have basically been adverts for the vans they feature, with the viewers left to draw their own conclusions and stumble across any pitfalls they failed to point out.

They've worked hard and have deserved their success, but anyone thinking they are watching a 'review' should exercise caution.

(using the Cali brand to garner views is a good idea.... That crappy video I made [just for here] showing how to use an ikea lid as a cutlery drawer tray, has had 27,000 views!)
...I wonder how many lids have been sold because of it?!

I distinctly remember being in Ikea and, having forgotten the item number, watched your video again to double check.
I watched their latest blog that I think was done at the back end of last year where they were bringing their cali back to the UK to sell it, but it was last year I'm sure?
If you look at their earlier videos when it’s still on UK plates, it’s the same reg.
Good evening,

Before we bought our camper I watched so many Youtube videos about the California. Than we got the camper and I watched even more to learn (and of course spend hours on end here on the forum).

Recently I saw too that a few of the well known Youtubers seems to leave the California szene (so to speak) and move on.

Since Christmas I also spend time gahtering information about a bigger camper. Watching Youtube videos for hours and reading magazines from Germany (send by my brother).

Of course each of the small campers, camper vans, motorhomes and caravans has their advantages and disadvantages and I was rather tempted into a camper van from one of the UK suppliers.

But for our use I compared the pros and cons of a full grown camper van (e.g. Wildax Elara) to the California - and I came to the decision that for us the California is the best option going forward.

Obviously those Youtube came to a different conclusion, which is fine. I still believe that the California can provide the best compromise (well, I know they are compromises, but good ones) in many different ways. Like many of us, I can't wait for the lockdown to lift and get out and collect memories with the California.

Happy California,
Well and interesting post Eberhard...we had a very similar discussion before we dived in and ordered a Cali, the one difference was that we already had a caravan and towed with an X5. During a couple of long holidays exploring parts of the UK that we had missed travelling round the world we found that the need to travel back to the caravan every night after a day out meant we were constantly covering the same ground every day, trips to Cornwall and the east coast of Scotland highlighted the point how good would it be we thought if we could park the van somewhere central and go off in a camper for a couple of nights, often off grid, then back to the van to shower..etc. Just so long as the camper can tow the caravan. Also if we want to zip off for a few days from home, how easy would it be if we had a camper. So we ordered in mid August our first trip booked for mid May and fingers crossed all goes well and our new Cali arrives well be for then (especially as I have sold my X5)
Well that was our logic guess we all have different plans and ideas, especially if like us you are retired, bring on camping adventure!!
Slightly off topic, but I just noticed the Cali Camper Family Cali is for sale on eBay

For some reason I remembered the reg number from watching their videos.
Being "famous" might explain the price tag .:eek:
Being "famous" might explain the price tag .:eek:
Thats one of the cheapest ones for sale! good spec as well. Have you seen Autotrader recently? anything under £60k is cheap these days.
That business model attracted manufacturers to offer their vehicles for 'review', safe in the knowledge that nothing negative would be said about their product.
Agree, and what about opening the cupboard and its stacked with
Costa coffee stuff.
That had me questioning his opening line - So i was browsing Intagram
blah blah blah,
really??? or did you just want a cheap van through doing a promo.
That van is massive. He seems surprised that there's loads of storage
The Grand looks far more superior. Armrests wrapped in carpet like stuff
could have been better done and that pull down bed looks like something you
could easy roll out of.
The only way i would be so happy promoting that conversion is if i was getting
a massive kickback and i wanted to sell my soul.
It is, and dare I say the quality of finish is superior to any others I looked at prior to finally settling on the GC, I think they will go for a custom Vanworx
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It is, and dare I say the quality of finish is superior to any others I looked at prior to finally settle on the GC, I think they will go for a custom Vanworx
Rumour has it. Lol. That you are again waiting for a delivery
of a new van?
Do you get a buzz with the waiting game :D
It’s very interesting to see that people jump to conclusions and then form an opinion of us based on their newly formed conclusions. We don’t get “back-handers” for any van we film. We’ve often been asked how much we charge for a van tour and we always inform the owner/builder that we never charge. We get paid via YouTube ad revenue which goes towards our filming and editing time.
Also we’ve never been offered a “cheap” van. We film tours, every camper van customer has different requirements so once they’ve watched our tour they can then decide whether they want to look in more detail at that particular van and form their own opinion and subsequently decide to buy it or not.
We don’t charge anybody to watch our videos so if it’s not for you you’re more than welcome to scroll right past.
Thank you to those who have continued to offer support.
Rumour has it. Lol. That you are again waiting for a delivery
of a new van?
Do you get a buzz with the waiting game :D
Yes true, apparently just left the factory so hopefully a few weeks away yet. Frustrating as the inconsistency on other members experiences on delivery times.

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