California t5 2009 with a factory kitchen



T5 Beach
I am about to buy a t5 california from 2009 beach trim. It have the full kitchen sing fridge etc setup. Looks like factory... Is it possible? What should I check? I have the service book with a long code (I guess some factory id ... vin as well) It have all the made by westfalia stickers and feels like the one from a rental cali I used last year... Could somebody help me pls? I know nothing about these cars but really want one
Owner is super helpful willi g to get it to any service I want etc... car feels and drives well and looks good as well ..
Photos would be brilliant.

I can't picture a beach with a kitchen, well, i can but then
its not a beach...
Here you go. On the outside it says Beach. According to Vin it is a beach KR. Inside looks like not a beach... Papers are valid It has a cwrtificate of originality its not something stolen than I am puzzled... Owner says I can take it to check where I want. It is for the german market




Here you go. On the outside it says Beach. According to Vin it is a beach KR. Inside looks like not a beach... Papers are valid It has a cwrtificate of originality its not something stolen than I am puzzled... Owner says I can take it to check where I want. It is for the german market



One more details ot do t have the screen to turn on/off heater and fridge at least not the typical buolt in one...
I suspect it was a 2 seater Beach (the upholstery is correct) that had the side box removed and an SE kitchen fitted.
The kitchen would have been removed from a crashed van, but there's nothing I see to suggest the whole van is dodgy.

I like the 2 seater set up as it gives you the option to do this, or fit a Maxxcamp set of units if your requirements change.
I suspect it was a 2 seater Beach (the upholstery is correct) that had the side box removed and an SE kitchen fitted.
The kitchen would have been removed from a crashed van, but there's nothing I see to suggest the whole van is dodgy.

I like the 2 seater set up as it gives you the option to do this, or fit a Maxxcamp set of units if your requirements change

I suspect it was a 2 seater Beach (the upholstery is correct) that had the side box removed and an SE kitchen fitted.
The kitchen would have been removed from a crashed van, but there's nothing I see to suggest the whole van is dodgy.

I like the 2 seater set up as it gives you the option to do this, or fit a Maxxcamp set of units if your requirements change.
Thank you for your reply! Ok so what should I check before buying it? Water is working, stove is working, all the doors, cabinets etc looks good the whole setup looks solid(like in the cali I had borrowed), engine diagnostic shows no errors, there are 2 leisure batteries showing woltage and charging, electric outlet etc are good. The roof is manual and working, milage checked and looks legit, It is a huge investment for me so I want to make sure I do what I can to minimze risk. Thanks in advance. I am a newby... Never had a camper but a child changed our needs
Adding some more pics maybe a more trained eye can spot something i cant





2 rails missing from the bike rack. Unofficial alloy wheels (I think) so check they are correctly rated for a heavy van, also the tyres specs match the sticker inside the door.
You've not mentioned the fridge, so find out how it is controlled and that it works. See if you have a parking heater.... I suspect you won't have.
2 rails missing from the bike rack. Unofficial alloy wheels (I think) so check they are correctly rated for a heavy van, also the tyres specs match the sticker inside the door.
You've not mentioned the fridge, so find out how it is controlled and that it works. See if you have a parking heater.... I suspect you won't have.
tyres and wheels checked. had no idea about the bike rack. thanks for that. there is additional heater and fridge controlled trough a small aftermarket controller ( mounted to the same place as the original should be) going to ask for a picture. Will ask the heater exactly
Ignore the westfalia stickers, it looks like a proper Vw California
although you say its 2009

Those side stripes are a Cali thing but i thought only on the early
Have you got the control panel in the roof?

Having a manual roof is a slight bonus. The van looks good.
How much is it ?
Ignore the westfalia stickers, it looks like a proper Vw California
although you say its 2009

Those side stripes are a Cali thing but i thought only on the early

Have you got the control panel in the roof?

Having a manual roof is a slight bonus. The van looks good.
How much is it ?
there is no factory control panel on the roof just a black display mounted there. I already wrote to seller to take a picture as I plan to buy the car next week and asked for a confirmation that the additional heater is a type that works trough a control panel independent of the engine.(I may be a newcomer and this may be a stupid question but hey ) Price is 26kEur. Engine 2.5 96kw. Documentation says it was manufactured Deb 2009 sold Dec 2009 and inported to Slovakia on late 2010. Odopass mot all says the numbers are ok...
there is no factory control panel on the roof just a black display mounted there. I already wrote to seller to take a picture as I plan to buy the car next week and asked for a confirmation that the additional heater is a type that works trough a control panel independent of the engine.(I may be a newcomer and this may be a stupid question but hey ) Price is 26kEur. Engine 2.5 96kw. Documentation says it was manufactured Deb 2009 sold Dec 2009 and inported to Slovakia on late 2010. Odopass mot all says the numbers are ok...
Oh the panel controls the fridge, shows the voltage I am not sure about the heating and there is no controller for the water... Should I ask for anything else?
do you happen to know the chassis number i can check it out for you

VW California Club
