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Well it's happened and further more I knew it would sooner or later.
I woke up this morning on our lovely sunny campsite, stepped outside the van to say good morning to Mrs B who was already up and crocheting like mad for Britain. Unfortunately, the instant that I clicked the slider shut I knew that I had entered the gates of chumpdom. Yes, you've guessed it, I've locked myself out of the van.
Now here's the thing, knowing that such an occurance was likely, I had a surf key cut which I always wear around my neck on a lanyard whenever we are away in our Cali. However, at night I take it off and store it along with the main keys in the Van Essa bag next to my right ear hole. Unfortunately, being a "Bear of little brain" the plan falls down if yours truly doesn't remember to put it round his neck when he wakes up.
Now I had always imagined that this occurrence would only ever occur during the night in the pouring rain, after having just stepped outside for a tinkle. But no, here I am sitting in the sun, typing bollox to you lot whilst waiting for VW Assist to arrive. They have another two days to get here before we need to go home so "am I bovvered"? Well yes, a little. The VW Assist chap said that I'll need to sign a damage waver before they attempt to get in!!! I know that is standard procedure and there probably won't be any damage but the thought our baby being scarred is unnerving. Good job we brought the pump up awning with us this time.
When we rang VW Assist we asked if they could use their records to cut another surf key? Apparently not. Replacement keys have to be ordered from and cut in Germany. This takes about 5 days! However, the only good thing is that the roof is up so it should be theoritically possible to lift the bottom canvas seal and press the central locking button with a long stick. I'm not brave enough to attempt that. Also if anyone's going to do that I'd rather it was VW Assist so that any later problems were their fault.
So the morals of this tale of woe are:
1. Don't drink wine before beddy-byes.
2. Carry a shot gun to shoot that bloody dog that barked all night on the neighbouring farm.
What does a dog need to bark about that takes all night?
Anyway VW Assist are now on their way so rescue is at hand.
Sorry about the length of this missive but I have bugger all else to do. Can't even have a shave as......... Need I say more.
I woke up this morning on our lovely sunny campsite, stepped outside the van to say good morning to Mrs B who was already up and crocheting like mad for Britain. Unfortunately, the instant that I clicked the slider shut I knew that I had entered the gates of chumpdom. Yes, you've guessed it, I've locked myself out of the van.
Now here's the thing, knowing that such an occurance was likely, I had a surf key cut which I always wear around my neck on a lanyard whenever we are away in our Cali. However, at night I take it off and store it along with the main keys in the Van Essa bag next to my right ear hole. Unfortunately, being a "Bear of little brain" the plan falls down if yours truly doesn't remember to put it round his neck when he wakes up.
Now I had always imagined that this occurrence would only ever occur during the night in the pouring rain, after having just stepped outside for a tinkle. But no, here I am sitting in the sun, typing bollox to you lot whilst waiting for VW Assist to arrive. They have another two days to get here before we need to go home so "am I bovvered"? Well yes, a little. The VW Assist chap said that I'll need to sign a damage waver before they attempt to get in!!! I know that is standard procedure and there probably won't be any damage but the thought our baby being scarred is unnerving. Good job we brought the pump up awning with us this time.
When we rang VW Assist we asked if they could use their records to cut another surf key? Apparently not. Replacement keys have to be ordered from and cut in Germany. This takes about 5 days! However, the only good thing is that the roof is up so it should be theoritically possible to lift the bottom canvas seal and press the central locking button with a long stick. I'm not brave enough to attempt that. Also if anyone's going to do that I'd rather it was VW Assist so that any later problems were their fault.
So the morals of this tale of woe are:
1. Don't drink wine before beddy-byes.
2. Carry a shot gun to shoot that bloody dog that barked all night on the neighbouring farm.
What does a dog need to bark about that takes all night?
Anyway VW Assist are now on their way so rescue is at hand.
Sorry about the length of this missive but I have bugger all else to do. Can't even have a shave as......... Need I say more.

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