Camper mode / step ?



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Kilcock, Kildare, Ireland
Good afternoon,

Sometimes it seems there is no end with issues with the camper...:headbang

Before Christmas my VW dealer installed the latest software version on the camper unit (V000108).

I can't remember at the moment if afterwards I connected the camper to power.

With the colder weather at the moment (and cloudy skies) I connected the camper to the electricity twice in the last 1 1/2 weeks. I thought it would be nice to keep both batteries nicely charged.

What happens now is that as soon as I connect the camper to power, the camping mode sign on the camper unit goes on and the step won't retract anymore!

The first time I connected the camper to the electricity, I disconnected it at the camper and checked the camper unit. Even 3 minutes afterwards the battery gauge at the camper unit was still flashing (the little icon for the plug was gone) and the button for the camper mode was still on. I did a bit of a fiddling and the step finally retracted. At the time I thought I made a mistake.

Now I connected the camper to power again and the same thing happens. The camper mode is on, I can't switch it on and the step stays outside.

I will do some more tests on Monday, but I was wondering if somebody else came across this.

Eberhard I have noticed this too and think the camper mode engages when plugging in hook up. In some ways this makes sense as you would want the camper mode when stationary and plugged in. If you go to step you can turn off auto and sent step back in. I don’t think this is a fault its just seems to be programmed this way.

Yes seem similar. Then mine locks in too and only way of turning it off is to reset the electrics.
Yes seem similar. Then mine locks in too and only way of turning it off is to reset the electrics.
Just need to turn it off at the control panel as you get out and close the sliding door.

Well, it didn't do it before. Why do thinks change?

It made sense to me that the step is on automatic as standard, but stays out in camping mode. I believe there are always good reason not to put the setup automatically into camping mode when power is connected.

I will do some tests next week and see if I can reproduce it. If yes I might consider to get in contact with my VW dealer.

Good afternoon,

Yesterday evening I disconnected the cable to the landline electricity and tried if I can switch off camping mode - I couldn't.
I switch off/on the main battery switch in the back and everything was ok again.

This morning I just cleaned the camper a wee bit, but I had to go in because it started to rain, so I could not test more.

The next step is to connect the power again to see if this switches the camper mode on. If yes, I will disconnect the power and check if the camper mode is still on and if I have to switch off the battery again to reset it.

If this is the case I will inform my VW dealer (which is mean, because he has no solution for it).

I thought i was losing the plot when this happened to me - the step seemed to be stuck in camping mode.. I couldnt retract it using the button on the dashboard either.

Ive found the way to prevent this is to turn camping mode off before I disconnect from mains power.
I thought i was losing the plot when this happened to me - the step seemed to be stuck in camping mode.. I couldnt retract it using the button on the dashboard either.

Ive found the way to prevent this is to turn camping mode off before I disconnect from mains power.

Hello Gover100,

That is the problem, it seems as soon as I connect to mains power the camping mode is switched on and cannot be switched off. So far the only way to get it switched off is to use the battery switch.

I will double check this tomorrow, if it is not raining.

Camping mode suffering Grand California,
Hello Gover100,

That is the problem, it seems as soon as I connect to mains power the camping mode is switched on and cannot be switched off. So far the only way to get it switched off is to use the battery switch.

I will double check this tomorrow, if it is not raining.

Camping mode suffering Grand California,

Following your thread I checked how mine works on hook up.

1 unlock
2 open door and step comes out
3 get in close door step stays out
4 open door get out close door step trays out.


4 turn off camping mode on control panel open door get out close door and step retracts, lock. Noticed as I watched the control panel from outside dim the camping mode turn blue and reactivate itself for when you open the sliding door for next time.

Don’t know if that helps any.


Well, it didn't do it before. Why do thinks change?

It made sense to me that the step is on automatic as standard, but stays out in camping mode. I believe there are always good reason not to put the setup automatically into camping mode when power is connected.

I will do some tests next week and see if I can reproduce it. If yes I might consider to get in contact with my VW dealer.

You mention in your post you just had VW update the software. Perhaps that's why it changed?
Good evening,

well, it worked for a while after the software update.

After I switched off the power at the switch at the back it seems to be ok - at least for the moment.

I am wondering if other campervans / motorhomes have the same or similar issues?

The VW Grand California is like a box of chocolate - you never know what kind of problem / issue you get when you open it.

Confused Grand California,
I hooked up to 230v landline, Iam not able to turn of camping mode and also not able to close the step, that stays outside. I cant switch off Auto for step. See video. Any suggestions…? Thanks
I hooked up to 230v landline, Iam not able to turn of camping mode and also not able to close the step, that stays outside. I cant switch off Auto for step. See video. Any suggestions…? Thanks
When my display hangs sometimes turning the main lights on and off by the switch above the fridge clears issues if not turning off red switch in electrical cupboard for few seconds normally solves.
When my display hangs sometimes turning the main lights on and off by the switch above the fridge clears issues if not turning off red switch in electrical cupboard for few seconds normally solves.
Thanks you for your reply! The car is all new so a little bit irretating… but when I switched of main power on and off it cleared the problem. (Not when I used the switch above fridge)
I hooked up to 230v landline, Iam not able to turn of camping mode and also not able to close the step, that stays outside. I cant switch off Auto for step. See video. Any suggestions…? Thanks
That's how it is supposed to work. Once you are plugged into the mains why would you want to keep moving the step in and out? it comes out & stays out whilst you are connected.
Not sure you are right Andie. It can be set to retract when in camping mode and plugged in you do just hit the button until it’s not illuminated blue, then when you close the sliding door it retracts until you open the door again then again defaults to stay out.

VW California Club
