Standard issues / problems with Grand California?



Top Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
Kilcock, Kildare, Ireland

I just opened a different thread about a design issue of the little cabinet in the wetroom. Thinking about the camper and the weekend we spend with it, there were some issues that I thought were mentioned here and in very often.

I did send this email to my VW dealer (I am sure they will cursing reading all this):

Water suddenly stops
It happened a few times that the water suddenly stopped. Either it won't run at all, or it stops in between usage. First I thought it was the tap in the kitchen that failed to switch on the pump, but it also can happen during a shower. So that theory is out of the picture, because I don't believe the shower tap is linked to the micro switch in the kitchen. After 10 to 15 minutes it is ok again

Water pump won't stop
When we came home I took things out of the camper. I was puzzled to hear a "humming noise" and saw on the camper unit usage of 2A. I was puzzled until the penny dropped - the water pump did not switch off. After I switched off and on the main switch it was ok again. It might be on the way out...

Camper Unit
I was not able to activate the camping mode and the camper unit froze. That already happened a few times. Switching off and on the main power switch brought the camper unit back to live.

Leaking kitchen tap
This is a strange one.
The upper drawer got wet now and then. I put some paper tissues into the drawer and they came out wet after a few days. Sunday morning I put my hand in behind the drawer and felt a few drops coming from underneath the kitchen tap. It varies. Sometimes it can be a lot, a few or dry for a while.

For me there are basic technics that is used in camper vans for a long time. It seems to me that VW has problems to ensure reliable water supply into the kitchen and shower, get a meaningful display unit that gives some reliable information about water and electricity of the van. But all this is vital if the camper is in use.

Does those items work in your Grand California?

Kind regards,

The camper is with the VW dealer since Wednesday.

The kitchen tap needs to be replaced. Suppose to come yesterday, now they expect it today.
Changing the tap should sort the water leaking issue too.

During testing the camper unit died and need to be replaced now. VW dealer contacted VW Ireland to get the ok. I don't know when that arraived.

While the camper was with the VW dealer a new issue developed that the step won't retract. That might be linked to the camper unit, but I don't think so. I believe it is a different controller. If that is broken it has to be ordered. Nobody knows how long that would take.

Because of all of this I contacted my VW dealer officially to request to get the Grand California changed. I had enough!

So far there is no reply yet .....

Unhappy Grand California,
The step is a standard motorhome and must be kept clean otherwise it will stop.

VW California Club
