Waxoyl or similar rust- prevention for new van?



New van arrives in July (he says hopefully), and considering get waxoyl or Dinitrol treatment for underneath the vehicle to protect it. Planning to keep this van for 10 years like our T5 that it’s replacing. Anyone have any experience of doing this?
Now with working 1st link ....

You might want to take a look at this - and the 50:50 samples of various rust treatments - the Bilt Hamber stuff is very impressive https://bilthamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dynax-S50-vs-other-cavity-waxes.pdf - see page 31. See untreated metal further up.

I haven't done it yet but will provably get it done in the summer / later in the year. I think Dinitrol do a checklist for suppliers https://www.dinitroldirect.com/wp-content/uploads/Treatment-Provider-Checklist-Document-Guide.pdf plus specific spray diagrams for different vehicles - whether they do a specific one for the Cali (taking account of the habitation stuff etc.) or just a basic one for a T6 or 6.1 I don't know. Example diagrams shown here https://www.google.com/search?q=dinitrol+spray+diagrams&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB869GB869&sxsrf=APq-WBtJ91FsR3L-VbzXL4ljBB-aDz_GWg:1645952485124&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=uInB2Qxxnsvq6M%2Cv8xPkW5jHRyCIM%2C_%3Bn93m1ex3dY_h8M%2CfIhYELujv-Eh2M%2C_%3BWajs30H-OUnMwM%2CSVKpO2DAIG2hxM%2C_%3BAeLlJ7GxDV1ZKM%2COa3pPV8-sS0_gM%2C_%3BXVayEWdL7M1lwM%2CcdEPw5UlQrOohM%2C_%3B7fcRgAr24G8X7M%2C-nEljdAe743hbM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kTZonfZ0SdxxbzO1WK86T7E4PUehw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_oMXpwp_2AhWQiVwKHa4iBakQ9QF6BAgTEAE&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=Wajs30H-OUnMwM

They also do a useful DIY guide https://www.dinitroldirect.com/Down...ment-Guide-&-Shopping-List-500ml-aerosols.pdf
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Hi Westy,
Congratulations on your imminent delivery
You have had the same thoughts about looking after your vehicles as myself. When I purchased back it 2016 I looked into the many treatments and wondering what was going to be the best. Many after treatments I discovered that after a few years can go pretty solid and leave small pockets between body and treatments that can hold water and create problems.
In the end after a lot of reading I decided to leave well alone. These days you see so many older vehicles on the road without a blemish on the paint work. Of course a lot does depend on how they are used,
Also I believe there is a certain amount of galvanic protection that is already in place on the camper.
Now with working 1st link ....

You might want to take a look at this - and the 50:50 samples of various rust treatments - the Bilt Hamber stuff is very impressive https://bilthamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dynax-S50-vs-other-cavity-waxes.pdf - see page 31. See untreated metal further up.

I haven't done it yet but will provably get it done in the summer / later in the year. I think Dinitrol do a checklist for suppliers https://www.dinitroldirect.com/wp-content/uploads/Treatment-Provider-Checklist-Document-Guide.pdf plus specific spray diagrams for different vehicles - whether they do a specific one for the Cali (taking account of the habitation stuff etc.) or just a basic one for a T6 or 6.1 I don't know. Example diagrams shown here https://www.google.com/search?q=dinitrol+spray+diagrams&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB869GB869&sxsrf=APq-WBtJ91FsR3L-VbzXL4ljBB-aDz_GWg:1645952485124&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=uInB2Qxxnsvq6M%2Cv8xPkW5jHRyCIM%2C_%3Bn93m1ex3dY_h8M%2CfIhYELujv-Eh2M%2C_%3BWajs30H-OUnMwM%2CSVKpO2DAIG2hxM%2C_%3BAeLlJ7GxDV1ZKM%2COa3pPV8-sS0_gM%2C_%3BXVayEWdL7M1lwM%2CcdEPw5UlQrOohM%2C_%3B7fcRgAr24G8X7M%2C-nEljdAe743hbM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kTZonfZ0SdxxbzO1WK86T7E4PUehw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_oMXpwp_2AhWQiVwKHa4iBakQ9QF6BAgTEAE&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1#imgrc=Wajs30H-OUnMwM

They also do a useful DIY guide https://www.dinitroldirect.com/Down...ment-Guide-&-Shopping-List-500ml-aerosols.pdf
Wow! Thanks for this detailed info. Really interesting comparison study. I’ll look into these options.
Hi Westy,
Congratulations on your imminent delivery
You have had the same thoughts about looking after your vehicles as myself. When I purchased back it 2016 I looked into the many treatments and wondering what was going to be the best. Many after treatments I discovered that after a few years can go pretty solid and leave small pockets between body and treatments that can hold water and create problems.
In the end after a lot of reading I decided to leave well alone. These days you see so many older vehicles on the road without a blemish on the paint work. Of course a lot does depend on how they are used,
Also I believe there is a certain amount of galvanic protection that is already in place on the camper.
Yes you may be right. I’m just a bit worried about reports that the metal panels on the latest vans are thinner than in the past. The old “they don’t make em like they used to” sentiment!
Our Sven hedin is pretty heavily protected on the underside?
Wax like painted.
If it was bare painted steel like a defender could I see see why you would want to wax oil it.
Our Sven hedin is pretty heavily protected on the underside?
Wax like painted.
If it was bare painted steel like a defender could I see see why you would want to wax oil it.
What is a Sven Hedin? Google tells me he was a Swedish geographer, but I don't suppose you've wax painted his underside...
Our Sven hedin is pretty heavily protected on the underside?
Wax like painted.
If it was bare painted steel like a defender could I see see why you would want to wax oil it.
Is that how it was from the factory, or did you have it treated? Thanks
Is that how it was from the factory, or did you have it treated? Thanks
From Factory ..
But I suppose if you’re keeping it a long long time it’s worth the extra protection .
New van arrives in July (he says hopefully), and considering get waxoyl or Dinitrol treatment for underneath the vehicle to protect it. Planning to keep this van for 10 years like our T5 that it’s replacing. Anyone have any experience of doing this?
I would be wary of doing anything that could impact on your warranty. Worth getting something in writing from VW to cover yourself in the event of a corrosion claim in the future.
I would be wary of doing anything that could impact on your warranty. Worth getting something in writing from VW to cover yourself in the event of a corrosion claim in the future.
Good point, thank you
New van arrives in July (he says hopefully), and considering get waxoyl or Dinitrol treatment for underneath the vehicle to protect it. Planning to keep this van for 10 years like our T5 that it’s replacing. Anyone have any experience of doing this?
Just got new California Coast treated with Dinitol for €425.00 (=
New van arrives in July (he says hopefully), and considering get waxoyl or Dinitrol treatment for underneath the vehicle to protect it. Planning to keep this van for 10 years like our T5 that it’s replacing. Anyone have any experience of doing this?
Dear WestySvenHedin,
just got underbody of new Coast treated with Dinitrol in Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland, for €425.34 (= £351.27). Have no idea how effective it is but the garage - TGF Automotive (Fahys) - reckon you should get it refreshed occasionally, particularly after fitting any new exposed parts,
Yours, Paul
Just got new California Coast treated with Dinitol for €425.00 (=

Dear WestySvenHedin,
just got underbody of new Coast treated with Dinitrol in Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland, for €425.34 (= £351.27). Have no idea how effective it is but the garage - TGF Automotive (Fahys) - reckon you should get it refreshed occasionally, particularly after fitting any new exposed parts,
Yours, Paul
Thanks Paul,
That sounds good - especially for the beautiful Wild West coast over there
Just heard that the VW/MAN factory in Poland has had to close due to the war in Ukraine and severe parts shortages etc, clearly there are many more important concerns in the world right now, but it looks like it’ll be a much longer wait for all vans than anticipated sadly ☹️
New van arrives in July (he says hopefully), and considering get waxoyl or Dinitrol treatment for underneath the vehicle to protect it. Planning to keep this van for 10 years like our T5 that it’s replacing. Anyone have any experience of doing this?
Hi, i purchased my 2015 SE when it was two years old and even though it appeared to be immaculate from the out side, underneath was starting to show signs of environmental impact with light corrosion starting on components. Now most will probably say ‘what does it matter’ but for me i planned to keep the van for a long time so like yourself i wanted to preserve it. Firstly i had the van on ramps.removed all under trays / covers & Cleaned everything . I coated everything with ‘waxoyl’ clear spray. It dries tacky and looks great. Also if you spray it onto a brush you can apply it to the guard plates covering the discs. Even wipe it onto the surface of the brake calipers prevents corrosion to them. I am a mechanic to trade so id advise caution on spraying waxoyl at / near brake surfaces but with common sense the results are amazing. I try to do this every year and the van looks like new. YAlso , it is good practice to remove the front wheel arch splash guards every year or two as the mud / dirt builds up at the bottom behind them next to the doors.
Bilt Hamber is an excellent product - I would suggest you use this. Very easy to apply and protects and hardens like candle wax and can be removed easily if required with white spirit.

VW California Club
