Nearly 130 miles today. 200 miles and two days to go.
Day 178
Welcome back to the rollercoaster ride that is SteLa Tandem...
We made a really positive start: up early packed and ready to go before breakfast and then stocking up on the buffet and smuggling extra supplies out in our bulging pockets!! On the road just as it was getting light we were delighted it wasn't raining and starting to feel more positive. It was definitely warmer and Stevie even took his newspaper out (..if you know...!

The going still wasn't fast though as we continued to navigate towns with ever changing cycle paths and crossings. A brief McDonald's stop for hot drinks and we pressed on through the busy streets.
We were more than a but surprised when a man waved us down and asked if we would like a cup of tea in English. We didn't know ot at the time but Scott had made a 680km round trip to meet us and not only supplied tea, but also snacks, dry lube and the loan of a waterproof set of gloves for Stevie! The icing on the cake was a set of STELA chocolates!
Feeling motivated by the amazing support (although we have no idea how he managed to find us with the number of route diversions we took today! ) we hit Bielefeld, which turned out to be a major city. Dodging trams and the Christmas Market slowed us down more and we even didn't have time for a gluhwein!
The going continued to be tough into the night and it started to rain again. Disheartened at our slow pace it was hard to remain focused and calm. The evening shift dragged on and on, especially as we had some noises from the bike we're not happy with.
Arriving in Hameln without any rodents in tow we set about checking the bike and wondering what on earth to do about the remaining 200+miles...