Warranty questions / servicing



T6.1 Ocean 150
I have a few queries / issues that I suspect would be covered under warranty. As they are related to the california side of the vehicle e.g. issue with awning, foldable table etc. Can I take these questions to a standard VW commercial dealer that doesn't sell californias? Reason behind the question is there isn't a "california" dealer near us and i had a good experience with a local vw commercial dealer for the first standard service so would like to return.
Ask the dealer I don’t see why a commercial dealer would not be able to facilitate a warranty claim .
it’s more important that you are happy with the service they provide.
My local van centre aren’t a California dealer and won’t touch the California specific stuff, at least that was the case when I last asked. Anything core van related, no problem; refer you to their other branch who are a California dealer in Exeter for anything else, 100 miles each way. Whether that’s because they weren’t allowed to, didn’t have have appropriate SQEP or just didn’t want to isn’t clear.
Can I take these questions to a standard VW commercial dealer that doesn't sell californias?
Ask the dealer, one of my local ones, Alan day Hampstead are not even a van dealer but do California servicing & warranty works.
I'd expect that non California Dealers wouldn't take on the California specifics as their Staff wouldn't be trained and as VW have to approve the warranty work/parts the issue of not doing it may lie there.
No you will need to go to a VW Commercial vehicle garage for anything related to a California. They are totally different divisions of the VW group and they will not cross boundaries.

The VW garage has to submit and validate your warranty claim, so be nice with them!

I find it helps to build a relationship. Once you have this relationship, then you might find they are prepared to provide some discretion and goodwill.
I would speak to the dealer. Ours sells California's but it seems anything specific to the Cali (eg pop top) a more experienced engineer has to deal with.
No you will need to go to a VW Commercial vehicle garage for anything related to a California. They are totally different divisions of the VW group and they will not cross boundaries.

No you don't. The only restriction that VW have in place is which dealers can sell new Californias.
No you don't. The only restriction that VW have in place is which dealers can sell new Californias.
I can only tell you about my experiences....

I went to my local VW dealership to order a touch up paint stick, but was told that they could not obtain it because it was a 'commercial vehicle colour'. I had to go to a VW commercial vehicle dealership.

I wanted to use the VW Add-Blue voucher. I thought no issue as cars use Add-Blue, but was told that the Car dealership had no means to claim costs back form VW as it was issued by the VW commercial vehicle division. I now use this voucher whenever I need to visit VW Brimingham Van Centre for servicing work.
I can only tell you about my experiences....

I went to my local VW dealership to order a touch up paint stick, but was told that they could not obtain it because it was a 'commercial vehicle colour'. I had to go to a VW commercial vehicle dealership.
Sorry @Alan Andrews - I've quoted you when commenting on the other posts.

I agree it needs to be via a VW Commercial Dealer, what I meant was that it doesn't need to be a California Specialist Commercial dealer, others are suggesting it needs to be.
Our local vw commercial dealer will not touch our California for anything. Booked a service there, gave all the details then got turned way when they saw the vehicle

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