Advice re. black mark on blind


Sally Ireland

T6.1 Coast 150
Hi all,
Hoping for some help or advice, a large black mark appeared on the blind over-the-counter fridge and hob on our Coast. We have tried everything to remove it but nothing has worked. Has happened to anyone else? How can it be fixed? We were thinking about getting some kind of spray paint. We would appreciate any thoughts. I've attached a picture to show how terrible it looks...


I cleaned my blinds with rubbing alcohol
Does the black come off when rubbed? Looks like black mould. Maybe a gentle wash with dilute bleach solution. Test an inconspicuous area first.
Does the black come off when rubbed? Looks like black mould. Maybe a gentle wash with dilute bleach solution. Test an inconspicuous area first.
I don't think it's mould. I've tried bleach and it didn't remove it.
Could it be a burn mark? The fabric looks slightly distorted around the mark which makes it look like that. I think you might be looking at a replacement blind tbh.
I thought it looked like a burn too and directly above gas hob.
It doesn't look like a burn or mold to me - it's too regular a shape. It looks like the blind was opened or closed with something pressed against it - looks waxy or rubbery, is there anything regularly stored there that might explain it? I know it doesn't directly help fix it, but if you knew what it was then you might be able to work out how to remove it.

I would think spray paint would be too brittle and crack when you roll the blind, but there might be something designed to be flexible.
It doesn't look like a burn or mold to me - it's too regular a shape. It looks like the blind was opened or closed with something pressed against it - looks waxy or rubbery, is there anything regularly stored there that might explain it? I know it doesn't directly help fix it, but if you knew what it was then you might be able to work out how to remove it.

I would think spray paint would be too brittle and crack when you roll the blind, but there might be something designed to be flexible.
There are flexible paint products. Used for rejuvenating leather seats. If you knew the OEM manufacturer for the blinds they may have a product or point you in the right direction.
If you can’t establish what caused it or do know and it’s not removable I’ld try placing one or a couple of adhesive colourful transfers over it. It’s in a central position so would look quite decorative.and I don’t think would interfere with the sliding mechanism.
If you can’t establish what caused it or do know and it’s not removable I’ld try placing one or a couple of adhesive colourful transfers over it. It’s in a central position so would look quite decorative.and I don’t think would interfere with the sliding mechanism.
Stencil & fabric paint?
Our blind has a mark in same place (19 Ocean) not as bad as yours, I have never done anything with it for fear of making it worse. As these marks are in same place it is possible it is something on the blind roller when manufactured. If your coast is in warranty I would get it changed. Watching this thread with interest.
That's got everyone checking!
Thanks for all the replies. I think some kind of spray paint is the best solution. If anyone has any experience of this I'd love to hear.

I think it was probably caused by something rubbing against it when opening or closing. It's definitely not a burn and the blind hasn't been down while the hob has been on.
Thanks for all the replies. I think some kind of spray paint is the best solution. If anyone has any experience of this I'd love to hear.

I think it was probably caused by something rubbing against it when opening or closing. It's definitely not a burn and the blind hasn't been down while the hob has been on.

Have you tried an alcohol based cleaner as recommended above? Even the most flexible paint wouldn't cope with the tight bend radius of being wound up inside the window surround and would likely end up looking worse.

I'm yet to find anything that I haven't been able to clean with either nail polish remover or brake cleaner. If neither worked I would replace it before I painted it ( primarily to find out what may be in there that has marked it ).
Here’s some photos from an ebay listing

looking at the roller action when the blind is rolled up (when retracted ) it goes into the roller tube which is aluminium
that would suggest that there is something on the front leading edge of the roller outer cylinder that is transferring dirt onto your blind!

could it be that the blind is rubbing slightly and what you are seeing is oxidised aluminium from the roller outer transferring onto the material !

that would also be consistent with the slight stretching of the material
a bent roller casing would do this IMO

have you tried Vinegar to clean it (white vinegar)



this suppliers website may help in working out part numbers efc if you need to replace it

we have (for a long time) had something similair on the blind above the sliding door (which in our van is behind the passenger seat). To me it seems like some black wax-like substance was in the roller. In our van the blinds role down 2 metal cables and I think black gunk was on those.

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