Hi all
My 17" Cascavel alloys are quite corroded so I'm thinking if changing them. I've mentally gone through the spectrum of sizes 18-20, and I'm currently leaning towards 18" and maintaining max OEM tyre size. Now I need to decide which wheel to go for.
Has anyone experienced aftermarket Palmerston style alloys which retail at around £600 for a set of 4 18"?
I'm wondering what the quality is like. One website I found said that the face has a 3-month warranty which doesn't seem much. They appear to be non-branded, and I wouldn't want to buy them and find they start to corrode 6 months later.
Original Palmerstons (and other nice OEM like Tolucas) are more than I'd like to spend.
Alternatively, I could go down a non-OEM style route but I don't want them to be too bling, maybe something like this style (or similar) - but not sure if the face will be any less susceptible to corrosion vs non-branded.

My 17" Cascavel alloys are quite corroded so I'm thinking if changing them. I've mentally gone through the spectrum of sizes 18-20, and I'm currently leaning towards 18" and maintaining max OEM tyre size. Now I need to decide which wheel to go for.
Has anyone experienced aftermarket Palmerston style alloys which retail at around £600 for a set of 4 18"?
I'm wondering what the quality is like. One website I found said that the face has a 3-month warranty which doesn't seem much. They appear to be non-branded, and I wouldn't want to buy them and find they start to corrode 6 months later.
Original Palmerstons (and other nice OEM like Tolucas) are more than I'd like to spend.
Alternatively, I could go down a non-OEM style route but I don't want them to be too bling, maybe something like this style (or similar) - but not sure if the face will be any less susceptible to corrosion vs non-branded.