
Does anyone in the UK produce a bracket to secure the 335 to the floor rails? Seems to be some in Germany but seems a lot of money for what it is.....especially after shipping.
Comes with mounting brackets, just bought one
Thank you everyone for alleviating my anxiety. I'm now going to order one in the knowledge that my van will remain clean :thumb
Looking for a cassette toilet and can't understand the difference between the various Thetford models. Can anyone shed any light please? I know the 335 seems to be the favourite but what's the reason v other cheaper models?
Interesting .. no mention of a Trelino toilet.
For me the 335 fits under the sink, shelf raised . On the tray, more cost but can get out easy Convenient at night,sits between bed made and front seat. Other sizes don’t fit.
Our Thetford 345 fits behind driver’s seat. You can sit on it, and the bed can be pulled out as normal. Ours sits on some black non-slip mat from Amazon. No leaks, looks smart and it has never shown any sign of moving in 15 years! Perfect.
We have a Thetford 165 that sits in our Spacemate tray and clears the underside of the bed extension by enough to even miss the strap. T6.1 Beach. The 335 is the 'go to' model for Ocean owners as space options are optimised. Just 'narks' me a bit that manufacturers hike the prices of products they know will be more in demand. The 165 is just over half the price of a 335.
335 for us, sits under the sink on the associated tray ( additional cost but easy to move and neat no movement fit )
Had it 5 years and there for wild camping.
We also have two of the bottles, which we have used on regular occasions.
Interesting .. no mention of a Trelino toilet.
Trobolo, Trelino and Boxio all good options for separating toilets, but I think many people still prefer the chemical ones. I’m considering one of the above and getting rid of the 335.
We have a 345 which fits in the back under the shelf. We take a toilet tent with us and just use overnight and first thing in the morning.
I’d recommend visiting a camping shop and perching on the different sizes. The height can make quite a difference when using.
Just bought a Trobolo. Not used it yet, but I’ll keep you poosted…
I've got a boxio, which is essentially the same as the Trobolo bilabox. it's functionally the same as any other dry/separating toilet but without any 'design' - just a box; so cheaper (even if it's still overpriced). it's perfect. very light, will last a few days if needed. easy to empty/clean out wherever you are. (just drop the bag in a bin) very compact and out the way in the boot. doesn't smell as much as a chemical toilet.
We have a dometic 976, bought for £80 before Claas Ohlson left the UK, fits under a dunelm box but has a big capacity also has simple brackets to secure it to a floorplate for marine use.
Controversially responding to all this toilet talk and without going into your private habits,I have to ask if anybody genuinely uses their Porta-crapper on a regular basis.My last vw was a conversion with a cassette toilet in the back, bought because we MUST have and NEED that feature, never used the thing. Sold the van and I started dragging a portable version around in the California, it has had lots of very nice vacations and done thousands of miles.It now resides in the garage, the epiphany came when my wife said "if you think that you are going to take a dump at 5 in the morning downstairs when I am sleeping up top, you can think again !", so Britstops is out . Just saying, unless you have some medical complaint, do off-grid camping or have kids, do you really need to drag this thing around Europe?, you can get loads of beer in the FREE space you have just created...........
medical complaint...yes. Laziness at 3 in the morning.....guilty. Camp off grid.....absolutely. Use free continental Aires.....a toilet is essential.

Kids....NO Grown up Gone AWAY! far far away!
That's the whole point, it probably follows that there are a lot of us that don't do any of the above yet we follow along like sheep worrying about dragging the crapper along behind us
The problem with sheep is...they are sheep...however when you are stuck on a motorway for 5 hours while Mr Plod scrapes someone off of the outside carriageway and your dearly beloved will not go outside where someone might see. The years of carrying it around become insignificant.
I have needed it more than I haven't so the black faux leather footstool is now taken on days out as 20 pence or 50 pence a go is getting to be quite common
Pop-a-loo is our emergency one - packs up very small so for the very few times we might want to use it it seemed the best option. Great for those emergencies and use "usual"loos for everything else.

Sadly I am a regular user for both purposes as described. You might say, I suppose, for ‘medical reasons’ for me it’s just a sign of age or possibly too much beer!
But for me it is essential, never mind the beer we can’t carry!
Pop-a-loo is our emergency one - packs up very small so for the very few times we might want to use it it seemed the best option. Great for those emergencies and use "usual"loos for everything else.

I’ve had a look at the website and looks good quality.
Do you have a photo of where you store it for perspective of less is best…I’m constantly filling my van up then trying to de clutter!
We went for the 345 which is a bit bigger for my derrière. It fits neatly in the back of the van although I can see the benefit of the 335 taking up less space. On reflection we are happy with our choice and would definitely recommend having one whatever the model
Can you tell me if this fits ok under the board in the rear? As you say the size is larger than the 335 it also is matrices to the cheaper price
Can you tell me if this fits ok under the board in the rear? As you say the size is larger than the 335 it also is matrices to the cheaper price
I honestly wouldn’t bother with a PortaPotti any more. Check out the Trobolo Wandago. It fits in the cupboard if you have an Ocean and under the multiflex in both Beach models. I’m very happy with my throne :)

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