Greetings from Brussels. Tips on where to buy?

Suomi man

Suomi man

T5 Beach 4Motion
Hi there, I´m Ivan, a prospective Cali owner living in Belgium. After years of planning and saving we´ve decided not to wait for the new model and finally take the plunge, so we´ll be ordering soon. Any fellow Belgians around who could give me a tip or two on where to buy? Are there significant differences between dealers? Would you consider a German re-importer or is it too much hassle for a little reduction in price? Any help is very much appreciated :) Hope to join the owner ranks soon

Can't help on where to buy, but welcome to the forum and look forward to hearing about your planned new purchase.

Hi , and welcome
I bought mine at the Antwerp VW , Beerens .
Witch was a demo car , i did not had the patience to oder factory and was looking 2nd hands market nearly 3 years always amazed for the high prizes.

Try to look in Holland...Camper Centrum Amersfoort are aces in the bussines!
What would you go for, new factory order , demo or 2nd hand ?
Are you french or nl speaking?
Have you ever had a camper or went on holliday in a rental?
The guys below rent en sell in Belgium! - Home

This is where i went , afther a bought my Cali , for accesoirs and for my first check up ...
They told me that the prices they adverd are higher than those in Belgium but if you buy one and export over here there are other prices (less taxes or so...)
In Belgium on my demo , i got about 8000 euro discount compared to the catalogeprice mine had.
In Holland they told me aftherwarts that for the same price i could have oderd a factory one with my own optionlist...and they wold import it to Belgium.
That was nearly 3 years ago , don't now if it is still the same

Holland has many dealers ( mostly 2nd hand and german imports)

Think its best to contact VW Belgium an aks for dealers with Cali's in showroom , then vistit them all....
Don't now if it is even possible to order a factory one in Belgium with the T6 change...could well be that there's a litlle stock they wonna get sold ...who knows?
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Hi Ivan,

A lot of information about buying a VW T5 California you will find on the Belgian VW Camper Site.

Also look at the users information assembled in this link

Regards from Limburg - Belgium,


N.B. I will sell my T5 California 140 HP -6M - 2013 - 35.000 KM - full option in May 2015
Hey Wim ,
Did not mentiont you , wanted to let the honner to yourself...:thumb
You can promote yourself better then i can.

Do you have any view on if it's still possible to oder a factory one in Belgium , or did they already stopt...
Guess you gonne by a new T6 ?
Do you have any view on if it's still possible to oder a factory one in Belgium , or did they already stopt...
Guess you gonne by a new T6 ?

Yes, you can still configure the T5 California in Belgium, so I think it can be ordered.
For myself I'm looking for a Polyroof roof-conversion, there we mostly camp in March-April and September-October and the evenings/nights are cold then. We only used till now our California for 4 longer trips of each 2 months to Spain-Portugal and Italy. We do not use the California as a daily car.

Wow, thanks a ton for the warm welcome and the loads of info! Seems I have a lot of homework to do ;)

We´re pretty much settled on ordering a new Beach, since the price difference with the second hand market is not that big. But a demo would be nice too if the specs include what we´re looking for. We speak FR better but
handle ourselves in NL too, so it shouldn´t be a problem
I´ll keep you posted!


Wim, I hadn´t seen that you´ll be selling yours in May. Is it a Beach 4Motion? If so I could be interested



VW California Club
