A couple of questions kiting, camping and cooking related

Jody Taylor

Jody Taylor

T5 SE 180 4Motion

We are new Cali owners, and thinking of taking our first camping / kitesurfing trip down the west coast of France.
We are looking for intelligence on great kitesurfing beaches, (preferably flattish water) with nice, camp sites (with clean facilities) close by. Any info is gratefully received.
Also, we are thinking of buying a Cobb cooking system. Does anyone have any experience with these? Are they easy to use? If we buy the gas version, are the 445g gas bottles readily available in France?
I have a Cobb and find it a fantastic piece of kit, being able to roast and barbecue to perfection. Fits nicely in the rear of the van and is easy to clean after use. I haven't seen the gas version yet but if you buy a pack of cobblestones they take up very little space and of course you would have no problem buying packs of charcoal when abroad to use instead.
Thanks for your reply johntowers46
CalifirniaDAN - thanks for your reply. I have seen quite mixed reviews when using th Cobb with charcoal briquettes, and getting cobblestones overseas will be difficult. I am thinking if being overseas for a couple of months, so carrying enough cobblestones for that period of time, plus my very bulky kite kit may be a challenge Hence the idea of getting the gas version. Have you used your Cobb with charcoal? If so, what kind of results did you have?
I always use charcoal heat beads for the Cobb 6 or 9 beads usually enough so a bag lasts a long time they take 30 mins before you can start cooking. I have tried cobblestones but not impressed great results with the heat beads should be available anywhere.
Remember that many French campsites do not allow personal charcoal BBQ's (fire risk). They often have a designated area with brick built BBQ.
Thanks for your reply johntowers46
CalifirniaDAN - thanks for your reply. I have seen quite mixed reviews when using th Cobb with charcoal briquettes, and getting cobblestones overseas will be difficult. I am thinking if being overseas for a couple of months, so carrying enough cobblestones for that period of time, plus my very bulky kite kit may be a challenge Hence the idea of getting the gas version. Have you used your Cobb with charcoal? If so, what kind of results did you have?

Absolutely fine with briquettes, just take a lot longer to heat up than a cobblestone as they can be ready to go in 15 minutes. I agree that carrying a load of cobblestones for an extended trip as you envisage could be impractical so maybe try one before you go away see how you go then take a few with you if you like them, then get the briquettes or heat beads (which I have yet to try) when you cross the channel. No doubt they will be cheaper than over here!
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Remember that many French campsites do not allow personal charcoal BBQ's (fire risk). They often have a designated area with brick built BBQ.
Thanks Bellesca
I am new to the forum, and have just found the search section. So I have been eating other people's comments. Someone else said that French campsites limit bbq's.
Definitely wondering if the gas version is the way to go, but so far, I can't find anyone who has used one.
Absolutely fine with briquettes, just take a lot longer to heat up than a cobblestone as they can be ready to go in 15 minutes. I agree that carrying a load of cobblestones for an extended trip as you envisage could be impractical so maybe try one before you go away see how you go then take a few with you if you like them, then get the briquettes or heat beads (which I have test to try) when you cross the channel. No doubt they will be cheaper than over here!
Thanks for the update.
I see from other people's comments that personal bbq's are restricted on French camp sites. Do you know anyone who has a gas fired Cobb? Looking at that as a compromise.....
I always use charcoal heat beads for the Cobb 6 or 9 beads usually enough so a bag lasts a long time they take 30 mins before you can start cooking. I have tried cobblestones but not impressed great results with the heat beads should be available anywhere.
Thanks for the info Jeff. I am going to have to make my mind up soon.....do I go gas, or do I go old school.
Also, we are thinking of buying a Cobb cooking system. Does anyone have any experience with these? Are they easy to use? If we buy the gas version, are the 445g gas bottles readily available in France?
We have both. The Gas Cobb is a lot bigger than the charcoal version, so not ideal in a Cali. One trick I read somewhere (maybe even here) is that people use the Gas Cobb, and run an electricity cable from the Cobb to the car, pretending it's an electric BBQ.
We have both. The Gas Cobb is a lot bigger than the charcoal version, so not ideal in a Cali. One trick I read somewhere (maybe even here) is that people use the Gas Cobb, and run an electricity cable from the Cobb to the car, pretending it's an electric BBQ.
Thanks for responding so fast. when you say people use the gas Cobb and run a cable to the van......Surely gas cobbs are fine, isn't it the briquettes version that you would have to do that with?
Thanks for responding so fast. when you say people use the gas Cobb and run a cable to the van......Surely gas cobbs are fine, isn't it the briquettes version that you would have to do that with?
You're right. Slip of the keyboard...
It should be alright to use technically it not a bbq its a charcoal oven so should be no problem.
Hi Jody, if you are going to Branny at the weekend I can show you my Cobb. Not the gas version.
Hi Jody, if you are going to Branny at the weekend I can show you my Cobb. Not the gas version.
No can do hon. We are going to London tomorrow for the weekend.....gonna try the cable park
Thanks for the offer tho.
Any Intel in west coast France kiting spots?
It should be alright to use technically it not a bbq its a charcoal oven so should be no problem.
Unfortunately my French is not good enough to explanations the difference
No sorry. I had a play at Hannam's wake hub mid week.

Nice one. I watched the whole thing and kept thinking I don't see a handle pass.....until the end
Well jel

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