


VIP Member
North Hertfordshire
T6.1 Ocean 150
Does anyone use the suede feel microfiber towels? Like these I'm so impressed with how small they fold-up, and with a family of four that's a big space saving overall. However, I don't know whether I could rub down with something that feels like suede - like finger nails down a blackboard.
We use these, very similar
Once you get used to drying yourself with them they are fab. You have to dab more than rub to absorb the water but they are soft, pack down to nothing and dry quickly.
We got some of the aldi ones a couple of weeks back, they were a couple of quid each. they don't feel as cosy as drying with a big fluffy towel but they do the job. Also the smaller package & lighter weight makes them great for taking to the beach. I recon 8 of these fit in the same size space as one bath sheet & are just as big when opened.
Big advantage for me is that they dry very quickly even in the UK in winter.
We use the hi gear ones great to use, quick drying and take very little room. One of the best camping gear items out there!
I use the same ones as larrylamb.

Not only do I wash and dry myself with microfibre, I wash and dry my dishes with microfibre and I wash and dry Albert with microfibre! Regal purple shades for me, orange for the tea towels and of course Alberts towels are in matching blue.

Advantages are space, absorbency, quick drying. Disadvantages is they stick to the skin.
You lot wash on holiday .
Thanks all! Set of sunlands now on order. Well, if it's good for the Jen and the Lamb, it's good enough for me!

It takes a change in bath time culture.

Rather than a brisk defoliating rub-down with a nice fluffy terry towel, use like you would do blotting paper. Mop the water up rather than rubbing it off.

The towels also come with a nice press stud clip which means you can hang them to dry almost anywhere. When on camp sites best to use next doors washing line. Saves a lot of space inside one's own camper :thumb
I too use a 'velvet' venture treks. However, I use this then use a fluffy towel! Fluffy doesn't even get very damp so everything dries quickly and everyone's happy! I only provide this 'luxury' on longer trips though! I stick to the velvet towel option for the odd nights and weekends dos it dries and washes quickly.
Just be aware that 'towel dry' using the velvet towel is not perfectly dry...I then use talc so my clothes do not need to be prised over squeaky damp skin!
Sea to summit now do a micro towel with a fluffy finish - we used to have a whole crate of towels but now purely use those. Work a treat, but the large ones are £25 a shot.
When on camp sites best to use next doors washing line. Saves a lot of space inside one's own camper :thumb
So that's why we came back with 3 extra pairs of knickers and a bra :D
Just this evening picked a fresh towel out of the Cali and head to shower , it was a microfiber one.....bought it few years ago to go on a hiking trip backpack....and now comes allong in the Cali.
It does not do the same thing as a normal towel , but takes less space and does dry faster ...

VW California Club
