15years Camper Centrum Nederland

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Hotel California

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Cali now sold
As CCN in Amersfoort (the Netherlands) had it's 15th birthday we went over there on a 300km round trip from our hometown in Belgium.
Those who hear about them just now , they are one of the best VW California dealers in the BeNeLux , if not "the" best.
Arrived on a crowded parking , not even fully inside we where already offerd snacks and drinks as always.
Today (sathurday ) was the thirth and final day of the "open doors" and the salesman said they had very very good respons and many visitors. Seems people want to buy things with thiere savings instead putting it in the bank with not much intrests , orders been signed daily.

The two-tone was the eyecatcher this time.
Two-two-tones.....in the showroom :D a new beach (red ) and a demo Ocean (blue) , brought in from a German dealer or the factory as it held a "umweltplakette " the green sticker on the front windshield but had only 900km on it


As you can see the showroom stacked with new Cali's , most Oceans just one Beach and one Coast (not availeble in the UK)
In the back a dozen 2nd hand T5's some had SOLD on the windscreen.

I like the two-tone to look at but don't think i buy one , to flashy...
The blue canvas is realy nice doh .


Also very nice is the imitaded wooden floor on the two-tone ( at least it was in the Ocean not in the beach)
Much better than the grey rubber flooring in other Cali's


The "Edition" would be on top of my list ....so cool in white

Was given a small present as usual : a 2017 calender with retro images



Had a nice day , met some fellow Cali owners and chatted with the salesmen and the owner Rob as he had a even bigger suprise for me .
He invided us to go join them on a VW factory visit the 15 november coming....:bananadance2
Probally seeing Cali's build for some members on here on order.
I'm sure some of you will like to see my report on that when we get back.....?:D
Unfortunatly : not allowed to take pictures inside the factory
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Thanks for posting the pics! Looks like a great place for Cali fans. Good to see some pics of the place my accessories come from. Will look forward to visiting on our travels soon.

That 'wooden' floor is awesome. I notice it disappeared from the options list here in the UK. If it was retrofittable I'd jump at the chance.
Thanks for the pictures HC.

On the two tones, I'm sure they will be popular, not for me though on the current Cali's.

On the imitation wood, again probably prove popular but on the whole I prefer finishes to be genuine rather than imitation but you never know might be swayed if I saw it.

Enjoy the tour

Nice day out, love the wood strip flooring.
We called there on the way back from Norway a few months ago. Great place, lots of stock and very knowledgeable and helpful people who really care about Calis.
Defintiely worth a visit if in the area.
They also had some presentations on the group trips they organise for Cali owners, to Iceland, to Morocco and.... to California (US), along route 66 !
Hello to all, the wooden floor visually and 'very attractive, always when it comes to real wood .... I can tell you, however, 'that in this case everything becomes impractical. My boat has wooden floors, teak, and when wet, there are a lot of time to dry, and especially if you are guilty are complicated to clean ... If the Cali floor was faux wood, then it would be crap ..
Hello to all, the wooden floor visually and 'very attractive, always when it comes to real wood .... I can tell you, however, 'that in this case everything becomes impractical. My boat has wooden floors, teak, and when wet, there are a lot of time to dry, and especially if you are guilty are complicated to clean ... If the Cali floor was faux wood, then it would be crap ..

It's vinyl with a wood "look"....;)
Then 'just crap ... fake wood or faux vinyl hahaha ...
In the photo at least, the faux wood flooring looks great. Wonder if it looks good in reality. Anybody heard anything about whether this could be retro-fitted? Could always just try and do it myself I guess.
I was looking into the fake wood too, as it seems to be easier to keep clean. The rubber I have now gets dirty easy, but a pain to clean out the uneven surface.

The only thing (well, 2 things really) stopping me was the price (+/- € 1000) and the amount of work to be done.
This will include stripping out the kitchenette, meaning a lot of linings at the back to be taken out. Stripping the right hand side linings. Plugging out the rear bench (that beast weighs a lot).

You can retrofit it as up to the T6, they all share the same platform and internals as from 2003, but it will include a lot of €€ and a whole lot more work, and the risk of damaging internals, meaning a lot more of €€ to spend.

Oh, €€ can be translated in £££ for UK citizens. :confused:
that sure sounds like it won't be worth it ;-)

VW California Club
