1st to 2nd Gear Upshift - Slight Grind



Hi all, new member here.

Experiencing a slight grind on shifting from first to second gear on a 5000 mile 62-plate California 140 Beach, surely not a worn synchromesh already? Its not a huge crunch, just does not feel as smooth as I would expect?

Is this normal, and if not has anyone else experienced similar?

Any comment will be gladly appreciated.

Regards, Brian. :?:
Search the forum, I seem to remember another thread on this subject.
I'm not sure my gear change is as smooth as it could be. Any idea on the thread title Andy?
Thanks guys, took a look at that post.

It's not a judder, just a slight grumble through the gearstick as you slot it into second, like a dragging clutch, or poor synchro operation, its not terrible but not knowing it from others I'm not sure if its right.

Regards, Brian.
Not sure if it helps but the first Cali we tried out In Birmingham last year was pretty much the same spec as yours and I was concerned about the gear change not being a smooth as I excpected - similar to what you've described. We didn't buy that van for a number of reasons - but I was releaved to find that the next van we tried (and bought) didn't have the same issue. Sounds like you might have an issue worth investigating further with VW.
brianyoung said:
Thanks guys, took a look at that post.

It's not a judder, just a slight grumble through the gearstick as you slot it into second, like a dragging clutch, or poor synchro operation, its not terrible but not knowing it from others I'm not sure if its right.

Regards, Brian.

Me too Brian, and I'd say my circumstances are very similar to yours.
Have replaced one set of gear cables for difficulty selecting gears. They do have a bit of adjustment in them and can be set-up again. Difficult to judge without driving and hearing the vehicle and comparing it to others.

I had one customer come in a couple of times for difficulty selecting 2nd gear and it was down to driving style and that he was changing from 1st into 2nd so quickly and early that it was making it difficult to select 2nd gear.

Yes agreed Alex I always let the rev's drop off before changing up I does seem to help :thumb

Did you ever get this resolved - if so would be interested to know ... I have the same symptoms and it is heading back to Alex at SMG tomorrow. I know mine is not right as I had another early 2012 Cali for 6000 miles that did not do it!

Let us know where you got to.


VW California Club
