230v - extension lead?


T6 Travels

Guest User
Hi Guys,

Excuse my electrical ignorance. Once on a hook-up, is the 230v socket effectively like a household socket? So, could I use an extension lead with it, ensuring that the total didn't exceed 13amps?

Yes. Broadly speaking. But be aware that some hook-ups may not support the full 13A.
Hi Guys,

Excuse my electrical ignorance. Once on a hook-up, is the 230v socket effectively like a household socket? So, could I use an extension lead with it, ensuring that the total didn't exceed 13amps?


im sure the manual states max of 2500 watts on the T6 when on hookup. Also depends on you hookup ampage as well normal is 16 amps on sites.
As above. Yes you can. Most UK sites are 10A and over, a lot of sites in France are only 6A so be ready to blow the odd fuse.

When Pierre comes round to see who has shorted half the site out practice a gallic shrug, a nod of your head towards Bill in the big white box with a satellite aerial and a flagpole, fiddle with your eco-I-pad plugged into a 12v socket and mumble something like "well, must be off, do have a nice day".
Very helpful all - GrannyJen made us LOL!!

What I'm reading then is 'depends' - which, of course, makes sense.

We have the 'usual' collection of iPhone/iPad/laptop gadgets etc. Any advice on best socket/charging configuration when on and not on hook-up please? My 'hex' inverter adapter seems a bit temperamental.

Hi Guys,

Excuse my electrical ignorance. Once on a hook-up, is the 230v socket effectively like a household socket? So, could I use an extension lead with it, ensuring that the total didn't exceed 13amps?

We use a small 4 way lead plugged into the socket and have a 700w oil filled rad plugged in along with a small kettle, iPad/phone charging is done on the dash via a 3 way usb charger in the 12v socket.
Very helpful all - GrannyJen made us LOL!!

What I'm reading then is 'depends' - which, of course, makes sense.

We have the 'usual' collection of iPhone/iPad/laptop gadgets etc. Any advice on best socket/charging configuration when on and not on hook-up please? My 'hex' inverter adapter seems a bit temperamental.

I use one of these plugged into the Kitchen 12v socket with USB plugs to power an iBoost Router and charge 2 x phones and iPad. Didn't want wires plugged into the Dashboard sockets.
There is very little that I use that actually needs 230v.

My Bose mini sound thingy does, but I use the inverter for that. My MacBooks, Mac I Pads, Mac I phones and Big Macs use 12v,

My only use in the last 2 years has been my quest mini oven.

Boiling pasta, boiling beans, boiling cabbage and boiling the shrunken heads of officious site wardens might be all very well and good but there are times when the nutritional conscious green-aware camper needs pie and chips :shocked
I use a Masterplug Compact Surge Protector, also has built in USB ports, handy.

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