4 seat camper with 2 double beds or 5 seater transporter with 1 roof double bed


Mike Maguire

T5 SE 174
Based on the older T5 SE ...
The frustration with the Cali being swb is that the rear board that makes up as part of the lower bed, when in situ prevents the 2 seater bench to be slid back far enough to both accommodate the 5th seat and have sufficient legroom for 2 of the 3 rear seats. So the board has to come out if using the Cali in 5 seat transporter mode. And it's not exactly a light weight to remove and re-insert, plus very handy for rear storage. Never tried storing it upright behind the bench seat when slid back … & handbook appears to advise against this.

So wondering if anyone has thought of making up a shorted version while still using the 4 existing fixing points? This would mean using suitably robust marine ply, the original rear draw bolt fittings and sturdy steel arms along the side edges ending in ball ends to sit in the 2 forward side mounts. This would allow a shallower rear board, still very useful for shopping or whatever and sufficient legroom all round, tho I have yet to place the rear seating further back to model the depth of the rear space remaining while having sufficient legroom & so as to judge if this is worth pursuing further!
Based on the older T5 SE ...
The frustration with the Cali being swb is that the rear board that makes up as part of the lower bed, when in situ prevents the 2 seater bench to be slid back far enough to both accommodate the 5th seat and have sufficient legroom for 2 of the 3 rear seats. So the board has to come out if using the Cali in 5 seat transporter mode. And it's not exactly a light weight to remove and re-insert, plus very handy for rear storage. Never tried storing it upright behind the bench seat when slid back … & handbook appears to advise against this.

So wondering if anyone has thought of making up a shorted version while still using the 4 existing fixing points? This would mean using suitably robust marine ply, the original rear draw bolt fittings and sturdy steel arms along the side edges ending in ball ends to sit in the 2 forward side mounts. This would allow a shallower rear board, still very useful for shopping or whatever and sufficient legroom all round, tho I have yet to place the rear seating further back to model the depth of the rear space remaining while having sufficient legroom & so as to judge if this is worth pursuing further!
I would just remove the bed head frame to enable the extra travel of the seat and if you need multi level storage fit a 84 litre RUB (Really Useful Box) sideways.
We normally fit the 5 th seat in the kitchen side position to enable the passenger to place their feet between the two front seats, gives more leg room for the rear seat passengers.
I'd just make something up as you suggest - would make it really simple and flexible. I knocked up something for a Beach once but long term I'd take more time to design something better quality, obviously your application is different but just for ideas:


You can buy Beach type metal side supports from German sellers but I'd look at aluminium box section - super light, strong and easy to work with and needs no paint or other finishing. You don't need marine ply really (and *real* marine ply is very hard to find and expensive - OSB works great.

Yes carry the bed base upright behind the seat - a bungy strap around the head rests keeps it in place with no rattles.

Who's going to sleep on the bench. for a couple of small kids you wouldn't need the rear bed base, just the seat on its own may form a big enough bed. If that is big enough you are on to a winner as it also means you won't need to remove the 5th seat at night.
Someone on here shorten the board to enable the bench seat to go back further, i think it was an se, bit more difficult with the metal shelf
I had a second metal board with the intention of shortening it, but then the mattress doesnt fit etc .
Have abandoned the idea of a shallower backboard for now until a spare one turns up that I can modify!
However, it's still work in progress at present, with hopefully Ikea coming to the rescue. They have a nifty little lightweight table 1000mm wide & 600mm deep with metal legs & presently all for £16 in white!. If I've got my measurements right this will allow the rear seat to go back another 300mm providing c. 500 mm foot space behind the 5th seat fitted on the kitchen side. And the table should just come straight out without much lifting when required
The metal legs need shortening so that the top fits snugly just above the rear & front side fixings for the backboard and I'll cushion the table edges with pipe insulation lengths to minimise if not avoid any rubbing. Have bought a couple of heavy duty adjustable webbing belts which will be looped through metal fittings on the back of the rear seat and then brought up above the front edge of the table top to attach to the dog harness fitting and so be attached to our Beagle Girl sitting on a dog cushion placed on non-slip sheeting on the table top. She'll have a splendid view out of the back and side window!
Next steps, take careful measurements, fit new hacksaw blade & shorten those steel legs! Will report back on completion!
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Have abandoned the idea of a shallower backboard for now until a spare one turns up that I can modify!
However, it's still work in progress at present, with hopefully Ikea coming to the rescue. They have a nifty little lightweight table 1000mm wide & 600mm deep with metal legs & presently all for £16 in white!. If I've got my measurements right this will allow the rear seat to go back another 300mm providing c. 500 mm foot space behind the 5th seat fitted on the kitchen side. And the table should just come straight out without much lifting when required
The metal legs need shortening so that the top fits snugly just above the rear & front side fixings for the backboard and I'll cushion the table edges with pipe insulation lengths to minimise if not avoid any rubbing. Have bought a couple of heavy duty adjustable webbing belts which will be looped through metal fittings on the back of the rear seat and then brought up above the front edge of the table top to attach to the dog harness fitting and so be attached to our Beagle Girl sitting on a dog cushion placed on non-slip sheeting on the table top. She'll have a splendid view out of the back and side window!
Next steps, take careful measurements, fit new hacksaw blade & shorten those steel legs! Will report back on completion!
All done to the point of proof of concept. Metal legs shortened, foam edging round the table firmly taped in place.
And a similar sized dog bed had been acquired to place on top!

The Ikea table is strong but very light. and so easy to insert & remove.

There is one point of detail to get right & that is to ensure the table sits just above the recess in the back of the bench seat upright. Lower and it will impede the rear seat belt movement by pinching the webbing against the rear of the upright. Unfortunately I cut the metal legs a little too short and have had to come up with a way to increase the height involving both packing washers in the adjustable leg bottoms and finding suitable chair leg cups, the sort used to protect carpets.

However is still to be dog-tested shortly!

If anyone is interested in trying the same, just pm for more details.
All done to the point of proof of concept. Metal legs shortened, foam edging round the table firmly taped in place.
And a similar sized dog bed had been acquired to place on top!

The Ikea table is strong but very light. and so easy to insert & remove.

There is one point of detail to get right & that is to ensure the table sits just above the recess in the back of the bench seat upright. Lower and it will impede the rear seat belt movement by pinching the webbing against the rear of the upright. Unfortunately I cut the metal legs a little too short and have had to come up with a way to increase the height involving both packing washers in the adjustable leg bottoms and finding suitable chair leg cups, the sort used to protect carpets.

However is still to be dog-tested shortly!

If anyone is interested in trying the same, just pm for more details.

Sounds interesting Mike! Any pictures?
7D63BD5E-F1ED-43E8-8DEF-7302BFFDEE74.jpeg Ok, just a few snapshots ...
The purpose is both to
Provide room for 5 seats & still retain a shelf at the rear AND carry 1 or 2 small -medium sized dogs restrained & on the rear “shelf”/table.
First picture above this text is the table in place with the 2 dog-restraint straps temporarily held up by some gardening soft wire restraints until the dog mattress is placed on top of the table.
Second picture shows the screw collar secured D link on the end of each restraining strap. Dog harness gets clipped to this/these ( depending on the individual harness fitting)
The third picture (without table) shows the 2 straps for the dog harness(es) being held up temporarily pending placing the table. The straps are attached to the metal rods welded to the steel frame behind the seatbelt retractive assemblies. On the floor are the furniture leg cups I had to source having cut the table legs a little short.
Fourth picture shows the detail of the lh rear of the table with the firmly taped on cushioning in place. Important point Is that the forward edge of the table is just above the recess in the seat back. This is necessary to prevent the table from trapping the seatbelts and preventing them from extending or retracting to fit the rear passengers’ bodies.
Fourth picture ditto cushioning for the Rh side. Shorter due to the cutout effect. And on the floor there is 3/4” insulation foam length between the bottom of the legs &
the rh side panel.

Disassembly is straightforward, remove dog mattress, lift out table, clip
The two harnesses to each other to
keep them against the seat rear. Remove 5th seat
By first sliding the rear bench seat far back, move 5th seat back to allow the floor clips to be removed over the entry/exit slots for the 5th Seat feet. Slide out 5th seat, replace floor clips, slide rear bench seat to original 4 seat position.
Alternatively, leave 5th seat in place, move rear bench forward enough to allow full-size backboard to be replaced. Then one dog sits on the lh rear bench seat clipped to the seat belt or on the backboard & a max of 4 Humans can be carried additionally.

[Expecting son/daughter/baby granddaughter & Beagle boy to join us for a short while early Nov so both Beagles will go in the back (harness restrained) and the 5 of us will all have seats!]

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VW California Club
