A new era dawns...


Music Man

VIP Member
T5 SE 174
It was only a matter of time I guess!

When I was a kid I rode my bicycle in the park.
When I was a teenager I rode it to Brighton.
When I was 20 I rode it from London, across France, over the Pyrenees and down to Alicante in Spain.
By the time I was 30 I was doing the same trip on my Honda VFR motorbike.
When I met my future wife we started borrowing her sister's 1980 T25 Joker for camping in SW France....

So, I sold the bike and I've been running a 1990 T25 Cali for the past 9 years, and for the past 7 years we've been "joined" by our twins. A brilliant van that we've loved travelling all over France in, visiting family and generally exploring. Indeed, we were booked on a ferry to France to take the van again this summer and looking forward to it. However, my head was turned by the lure of an "upgrade" to a newer van and, amongst many other positives, the possibility to actually have AIRCON whilst on the road! Too many long journeys in the south of France in 38 degrees. And so last Saturday I passed on our van to a lovely family and then headed over to pick up my newly bought 2006 2.5 174PS T5 Cali SE, found via this very website.

What a change, but at the same time it feels so familiar. Even the kids were saying it felt like we'd had the van for years on the drive home! Not sure how long it will take for the facial cramps from the smiling to subside. Currently totally absorbed in the process of deciding how and where to put things and endless poring over website pages of other people's approaches and IKEA storage boxes. What a mine of information this club forum offers.

One important decision has been made. We're not going to put the Porta Potty in the cupboard. Instead it will be sitting under a cover, attached to the floor rails on the "console" found on vwcampershop.nl. We just feel we need the space in the cupboard under the sink. Sadly our van doesn't have the middle shelf for that cupboard so that's something for me to find. Any help with that one? Perhaps somebody else has one sitting in the garage having taken it out to fit the toilet? Fancy selling it?

Anyway, very happy to have all these things to be considering. I loved my old van. After all, I'd known it longer than my kids! But, I'm definitely falling in love again, and I can't wait for our summer road trip. As I said.. a new era dawns.
Nice intro, congratulations on the new Cali! :thumb

Welcome allong , no newbie in camping so expecting some usefull tips from your side regrarding some nice places to visit :thumb
This forum as you say is a mine of info and not much has not been debated on here.

Looking for a original shelf 2nd hand i think is gonne de hard , try to DIY one ...
The PP is a very useful kit and where you keep it it's up to you , but mine is nice stored under the sink ;)
If you have trouble finding one then the easiest thing is to buy a small piece of the same material - Diabond (aluminium composite sheet) from one of the suppliers on eBay who will cut to size and you can trim the notches etc with basic hand tools - very easy material to work with.
Thanks for that. Great to be told what kind if material the shelves are made from and a quick Google search has turned up plenty of suppliers. I guess getting that kind of info is what is so good about a forum like this! Having said that, if anyone has the original shelf going spare I'd still be interested..
Thanks again.

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