Ac not working



T6 Ocean 204
can anyone help me with this. My clima has stopped working this year I've a 2004 California 2.5tdi last year the ac climate was working just fine and this year now it's getting hot I've found its not working no more.
I've taken it in to have the gas recharged and when testing found that it's still not getting cold. As if the compressor isn't kicking in. Any ideas of what it can be. Cheers all
Sounds like you are loosing gas pressure.

Take it to a decent AC company (not a tyre company) and ask them to recharge the system with a dye. If there is a leak they will be able to spot it with an ultraviolet light.

Often the radiator is damaged in older vehicles, as it sits in front of the water radiator and get everything that is thrown up from the road first.

Hey Alan. Some how im not sure it's the gas. Since they told me the gas pressure wasn't bad in the first place but replaced the gas for fresh. But when testing it just wouldn't cool down. I'm thinking maybe a bad connection or something but don't know where to look first.
Has the compressor got its own fuse? Does the fan run more with the ac on
I haven't thought of checking the fuses. Never crossed my mind. If it had one where would I find it. ???
Pass. Maybe a t4 owner will be more help
I'll have I snoop around see if I can find the fuse if any
Cheers any how for the tip.
On the T5 any fuses dealing with the engine are most likely to be behind a cover beside the battery in the engine compartment. I would have a look at these in the first instance.

Ok finally found the fuses behind the water bottle holder in the center console and checked all the fuses that deal with the ac and its components. Guess what? Still not working. I'm listening carfully and can't notice any change in the sounds with the ac on or off so I'm suspecting the compressor isn't working or not turning on for some reason. Any other ideas befor I take it in to a specialist?
Been reading thru this post and has no one but me find in strange that ....
Taking the Cali to someone who refils the aircogassystem and leaving the owner with an non-working airco.....! How much did you pay for refilling the gassystem ?
Just take it back and insist it to be solved by the company who did the refil , sure they know what there doing , no?
Anyway thats what i would do .
Euh.... It says he's from Spain or am i seeing diffrent things?
The T4 Forum on the Link covers T5's as well, as mentioned in the Forum link.
The place I took it was a kwikfit kinda place only do general maintenance not repairs. I looked though a t4 forum yesterday found an interesting possibility, the high pressure sensor or temp sensors apparently fail on a regular basis. Taking it in the a local garage that I spoke to earlier and said it could be that but need to hook up the diagnostics to find out. With a bit of luck it will be something silly like that and not the compressor itself. Wish me luck.
Ok just an update. Took her in to my local garage and a few hours later all is working well. Apparently at some point the engine had been low on coolant and had registered it into the onboard computer. This code showed 4times in the diagnosis. According to my mechanic the computer had registered this code and considered other sensor readings and shut down the ac compressor to prevent damage and overheating to the engine. So the fix... Reset the codes on the onboard computer and check the gas levels and liquids are all where they should be. As a side note the code for low coolant levels must have been a long time ago registered coz since I have had her she has always been checked to ensure her levels are correct. Kind of messed up that past registered codes have influence on how it operates today.
Thanks for the update.
I'm a bit confused, you said the AC worked last year in your original post.
So if it has maintained coolant levels during your ownership, what else has happened since then?
I still can't figure out why but last winter we toured Europe doing some serious km in extreme temps and altitudes. Up and down Mountains with temperatures way below 0, long and short runs. So I'm thinking that at some point it must have regestered a series of sensor levels and temp codes and decided best to shut it down just incase.
Thanks for the update.
Could solve a problem for someone else in the future.
Mine is about to go back to SMG Cowfold for the 4th time with the AC not working. Annoying on a new vehicle but more annoying that SMG don't seem to be able to fix it. So far they have recharged it, tested it for leaks with the fluorescent dye and fitted a new compressor on spec. Each time it seems to work for a month and then fails, obviously getting me hot under the collar. I guess they will just keep on replacing the various components until it's fixed. Hopefully inside the three year warranty period. :(
Mine is about to go back to SMG Cowfold for the 4th time with the AC not working. Annoying on a new vehicle but more annoying that SMG don't seem to be able to fix it. So far they have recharged it, tested it for leaks with the fluorescent dye and fitted a new compressor on spec. Each time it seems to work for a month and then fails, obviously getting me hot under the collar. I guess they will just keep on replacing the various components until it's fixed. Hopefully inside the three year warranty period. :(

Sad to hear. it can be a real pain in the rear end. mine failed again but this time it was the hard rubber linkage that connects the drive to the compressor, for some reason had chewed up the teeth on one side so wasn't engaging the compressor.

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